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The Yanks have really gone and done it now!

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At least some sceptics will now cease asking for evidence/pictures, as they hold the word of terrorists in higher esteem than the USA Administration.


People that believe everything that is made up by Press TV or Alex Jones are most definitely not skeptics. Quite the opposite.


Did you mean to type loon?



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At least some sceptics will now cease asking for evidence/pictures, as they hold the word of terrorists in higher esteem than the USA Administration.


This does make Obama's decision not to release pictures that would probably only fuel the fire seem prudent.


Who said, 'We must learn to live together in peace, or perish together as fools'? was it Martin Luther King?


i do think, for all his faults, Obama is the kind of cool hand needed to deal with this. bush would have wanted to have pictures of himself in a cowboy hat looking into the sunset while standing over osama's corpse

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Oh dear god read the comments. They're better than the article! :hihi::hihi:


I think this one is my favorite:


"Mind you, if the US had been more patient Bin Laden might have died of food poisoning, judging by the dirty squalor in his compound. Perhaps he never heard of the saying 'cleanliness is next to godliness'.


goes to show he wasn't really a follower. Islam is ridiculously big on cleanliness. more so than any other religion, save for Jainism or Rastafarianism maybe.

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Obama ain't dumn ass any more. Da boy done gooooood. You can't make peace without crushin some skulls. And what a skull to crush. Ban Burka's from malls and town centres. Or look for big hands and nikies.

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Obama ain't dumn ass any more. Da boy done gooooood. You can't make peace without crushin some skulls. And what a skull to crush. Ban Burka's from malls and town centres. Or look for big hands and nikies.


What does big hands and nikies mean?

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