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Should Scots get more money from England but pay less tax?

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Now that Alex Salmond looks like taking power in Scotland he may well take every penny that he can from England while lowering tax for Scots and giving free tuition for students.


In short, you will be paying for Scotland to have it easier than you.


How do you feel about that?

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The SNP have promised a referendum on Scottish Independence. I hope they vote for it because they will be off our backs and out of our parliament.


Maybe they should let the whole UK vote on it, because I would vote for their independence if it would stop their dependence on us.

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The SNP have promised a referendum on Scottish Independence. I hope they vote for it because they will be off our backs and out of our parliament.


Maybe they should let the whole UK vote on it, because I would vote for their independence if it would stop their dependence on us.


They probably won't get their referendum. - Such a referendum would have to be approved by Parliament.


Why should the Scots be the only ones who are allowed to vote? Perhaps there should be a nationwide referendum to decide whether Scotland becomes independent?


Then the English would get a say, too.


An independent Scotland would be a very good thing. They would provide all their own money. They could have their Scottish Education system, Scottish Health service and pay for their own free prescriptions and free universities.


"Aaah! but what about Scottish Oil?" Well, that would be oil which was extracted from rigs in Scottish waters and under international law, the sea boundary follows the direction of the land boundary for (a distance) from the shore inland. Scottish waters end about 10 miles off the coast near Aberdeen. - The waters to the East of the boundary belong to England.


If the Scots were made to be given independence, they could pay England for defence and those services they wished to buy, they could raise their own taxes and they could have their own MEPs... provided, of course, the EU wanted Scotland as a member state ... perhaps they'd have to apply for accession?


Oh, and they could also take their National Debt - the debt run up by the Scottish Prime Minister - with them.

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If Westminster denies the Scots the right to self-determination, they could appeal to the UN to intervene.


After all, we've fought wars and invaded countries to give people the right of self determination. We can't deny it to some of our own.

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Now that Alex Salmond looks like taking power in Scotland he may well take every penny that he can from England while lowering tax for Scots and giving free tuition for students.


In short, you will be paying for Scotland to have it easier than you.


How do you feel about that?


Hopefully they will vote Yes in a referendum for independance. Then they will have to fund for themselves things like free University places, no prescription charges etc.

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They probably won't get their referendum. - Such a referendum would have to be approved by Parliament.


Why should the Scots be the only ones who are allowed to vote? Perhaps there should be a nationwide referendum to decide whether Scotland becomes independent?


Then the English would get a say, too.


An independent Scotland would be a very good thing. They would provide all their own money. They could have their Scottish Education system, Scottish Health service and pay for their own free prescriptions and free universities.


"Aaah! but what about Scottish Oil?" Well, that would be oil which was extracted from rigs in Scottish waters and under international law, the sea boundary follows the direction of the land boundary for (a distance) from the shore inland. Scottish waters end about 10 miles off the coast near Aberdeen. - The waters to the East of the boundary belong to England.


If the Scots were made to be given independence, they could pay England for defence and those services they wished to buy, they could raise their own taxes and they could have their own MEPs... provided, of course, the EU wanted Scotland as a member state ... perhaps they'd have to apply for accession?


Oh, and they could also take their National Debt - the debt run up by the Scottish Prime Minister - with them.


On the news David Cameron said he will fight against an independent Scotland, from a party point of view that wouldn’t make much sense.

I thinks it’s time we had four separate parliaments were they all look after the interests of their own country but come together on issues that affect all four. We already have three all that’s left to do is create an English parliament.

The sea bed round the coast of the UK belongs to the crown, so technically so does the oil.

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