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Supermarket checkouts and longer queues, what happened, and why ?

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They want to keep you waiting around check-out longer; as that increases the chance that you'll pick up an impulse buy item by the check-out.


I have to say that was also my (rather cynical) thought.

However, when I discussed this matter with the Morrisons store manager he denied it. Now I know you could say "he would say that wouldn`t he", but he seemed genuine.


On the subject of which, I`ve just come back from Morrisons, there was an average of 5 people in the queue. In the time I was in the queue I reckon the lack of a movable divider wasted 1 to 2 minutes. So, in the five minutes I was in that queue that`s 1 to 2 minutes for 5 people, which is a total of 5 to 10 minutes of their customers time, every 5 minutes......

Thanks Morrisons, not.

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I sort my shopping before it goes through the checkout, and its easy to pack it into my big canvas bags.


My credit card is ready, along with my club card if its Tesco. Why not? I do wonder why some people don't even attempt to pack at a reasonable pace, and I agree that some look surprised when asked to pay. Then the hunt for cash or cards starts! :hihi: Must be the same people who wait ages for the bus, but don't get their money ready til they are getting on. :roll:


I'm not in a hurry nowadays, so don't mind waiting, but when I was a busy working person I shopped early morning or in the evenings. Saturday around 7am is bliss! It just means being organised.


Most annoying for me are the people who queue behind me and seem to think if they push their trolley into my backside they'll get served quicker. :huh:

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Sundays tend to be the busiest days of the week.



You can shop at 2am, but you will quite likely find that there are no checkout staff, and your only option is to use the self-service checkout.


Not at 2am on a Sunday morning, Asda shuts at 10pm Sat, Sainsburys 11pm and Morrisons is 11pm not sure about Tesco, but the big supermarkets can only open 6 hours on Sunday.

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Not at 2am on a Sunday morning, Asda shuts at 10pm Sat, Sainsburys 11pm and Morrisons is 11pm not sure about Tesco, but the big supermarkets can only open 6 hours on Sunday.



How very quaint. Here is link to my local Asda's opening times:




Having been in the local Tesco's at daft o'clock on a Sunday morning I can say there are generally only 3 types of shoppers at that time:


1. Drunks on thei way home.

2. Dopeheads with the munchies.

3. Policemen.

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I have to say that was also my (rather cynical) thought.

However, when I discussed this matter with the Morrisons store manager he denied it. Now I know you could say "he would say that wouldn`t he", but he seemed genuine.


On the subject of which, I`ve just come back from Morrisons, there was an average of 5 people in the queue. In the time I was in the queue I reckon the lack of a movable divider wasted 1 to 2 minutes. So, in the five minutes I was in that queue that`s 1 to 2 minutes for 5 people, which is a total of 5 to 10 minutes of their customers time, every 5 minutes......

Thanks Morrisons, not.


You do lead an exciting life don't you?

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You do lead an exciting life don't you?


I think you mean a busy life, and you`re right. I`ve always got too many things to do and not enough time to do them. Hence, I object strongly to supermarkets wasting my time. On the subject of which, have you noticed how they sometimes move everything around to force you to look for it and hopefully (from their point of view) find other things to buy ? Fortunately they don`t do that so much these days, but it`s still annoying when they do.

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