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Supermarket checkouts and longer queues, what happened, and why ?

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Dividers are gone because all supermarket owners have the delusion that everyone in the country drives a car. Trolley taken to car and unpacked in there.


To avoid the mad rush of packing your bags on the end of the till; put it all back in the trolley (a la mr "I have a car so ner ner ner") take trolley to a corner and pack your stuff there.


Even the people with cars pack all the groceries into bags at the till ! I can`t actually remember ever seeing anyone putting all their groceries (unpacked) straight into the trolley, and for good reason. As someone mentioned above, they`ve nicked the packing tables as well......

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I was at Sainsbury's on Crookes the other day. There was only one member of staff on checkout but I wasn't worried as the old lady in front of me getting checked out only had a loaf of bread in her basket. Doddle, I thought! ... WRONG!

After carefully placing her bread in her tartan bag on wheels and with a handle, she then produced an old till receipt. She was questioning a previous purchase.

The till girl then had to call for the manager. This took probably a minute, by which time a queue was forming. The manager and the till attendant then spent probably another couple of minutes talking to the old lady who didn't seem to want to shut up. (queue building up even more)

The till attendant then disappeared down the aisles and came back with a tin of cat food (I think) and gave it to her which she then carefully stowed into her magic bag on wheels. Thereupon, paperwork was filled out by the manager who was giving a tutorial to the check out girl on how to do it. Another minute! (Queue getting very big by this time) Thereupon a conversation was had between the old lady and the manager with the till girl joining in when appropriate. In the end the old lady was given a refund ... 78p!

I immediately did two things ... I decided to hate the old lady and I hate the manager (in equal amounts) The till girl nearly entered into the hating process but she was quite pretty. God knows why the manager didn't call for extra staff to sort out the Queue! God knows why the old lady was so dilatory!

This all took around 5 minutes and caused a long and extremely cross queue!

I missed my bus! :rant:


I empathise.

It would be an interesting calculation how much time was wasted and therefore how much value was put on each persons time.

You said it was a long queue. Say 8 people ? Eight people X 3 minutes (because they weren`t all in it from the start), that`s 24 minutes. For 78p that works out at £1.95 per hour.

That isn`t even half the minmum wage ! ? !

Report them I say.

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I empathise.

It would be an interesting calculation how much time was wasted and therefore how much value was put on each persons time.

You said it was a long queue. Say 8 people ? Eight people X 3 minutes (because they weren`t all in it from the start), that`s 24 minutes. For 78p that works out at £1.95 per hour.

That isn`t even half the minmum wage ! ? !

Report them I say.


Not for me it wouldn't. I'd rather have a gay relationship with a window rep.

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Maybe you like queing ?

Maybe you have the time to indulge your pleasure ?

If so I envy you.

I hate it. Quite apart from anything else I`ve got loads of other things to do with my time. Queueing is bad enough in itself, a queue is, by definition, an example of inefficiency, but to queue longer than I actually need to do, is very annoying.


If you can walk into a shop and get served straight away without waiting let me know, I will shop there too . Bet you're a retired gentleman with time on his hands thinking you have so much to do .

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What annoys me is that they have started letting people pay for shopping at the cigarette counter. So someone wanting just a lottery ticket, newspaper or even cigarettes has to queue behind someone who's having their apples and carrots weighed and trying to pack it all, even though there is no room. Why do they do this? (Waitrose and the Co-op here are both guilty!)

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If you can walk into a shop and get served straight away without waiting let me know, I will shop there too . Bet you're a retired gentleman with time on his hands thinking you have so much to do .


I must say I don`t really follow the logic of that one at all, I think you`ll find it`s retired people who have more time which, to be fair, tends to make them more patient.

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  • 5 months later...

I`ve just been into Asda, after checking my groceries through there wasn`t even an empty checkout or a packing table (remember them ? ) any where within reach. Since I`d used a handbasket (i.e. no trolley to load the stuff back into so I could pack away from the till) I just had to pack my groceries whilst the whole queue waited. I have minimal patience when queueing, and since I`m not a hypocrite, I was getting a bit stressed at having to make everyone else wait.

And all because some cretin designs checkouts which nobody with half a brain would come up with.

One wonders whether these morons ever actually use a supermarket.........

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A couple of days ago whilst in Morrisons, I couldn't understand why the

check-out queue was moving so slowly, from my perspective it appeared that

each customer had on error in their shopping basket.


Only when I got to the head of the queue did I understand what was happening,

the check-out girl was explaining to each customer about Morrisons Prize draw,

where the number was on the receipt and how to check it.


So if anyone reading this has any influence over Morrisons supermarkets, tell them

to get rid of their schemes and just reduce the cost of the items. This will speed the

flow through the check-out.

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  • 6 months later...

Yesterday, whilst at the till trying to pack my shopping away and feeling frustrated and guilty at holding up the Q (because there`s no longer any where to do that which doesn`t stop the Q moving......) I said out loud that I thought it stupid they`d got rid of the movable divider, and everyone, including the checkout girl agreed with my. So the question remains, why did all the supermarkets get rid of the movable dividers at the checkouts ? ?What do the supermarkets actually gain from it, apart from annoying their customers ? Does anyone know the answer to this ? ! ?

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