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Bin Laden's Funeral

EDL or Bin Laden Nutters  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. EDL or Bin Laden Nutters

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    • I don't support the EDL in this protest
    • I wouldn't support the EDL whatever the reason
    • I support the Bin Laden supporters and their right to protest

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In which case you can hold each others hand.

Wouldn't want to hold yours, don't know where it's been especialy on fridays when you've got someone kneeling down in front of you during prayers.

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We aren't extremists though that just goes to show that people who come out with such ludicrous statements are talking absolute rubbish, the EDL was set up to counter Muslim Extremists who have insulted our dead troops insulted our country and called for the death of all non Muslims they have burned our poppies on remembrance day they have taken the pee basically they the Muslim Extremists are the hate filled scumbags not us all we are doing is fighting to get rid of the Extremists and the ones that don't want a peacefuland civilized country.


For that post you'll now be shot at dawn every day for a week, mind you if Dawns a big girl you might have a sofy landing:hihi:.

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Wouldn't want to hold yours, don't know where it's been especialy on fridays when you've got someone kneeling down in front of you during prayers.


I'm an atheist so no prob there. Now that you've congratulated the woman on an independent move, we look forward to seeing a youtube clip of you doing the same. "We" won't hold our breath though.

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The US has just released a photo of Bin Laden before they dumped him in the sea.


Now now, just because your wife shoved that in front of you and said 'eat it or get off yer arse and make yer own' dun't mean you have to go all mardy. Although it is understandable.

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I was watching a complete re-run of 9/11 on the National Geographic channel last night.

It was still as horrific as it was 10 years ago when I saw (live) the second plane hit the other tower .

To Americans 9/11 was probably the equal of Pearl Harbour and without doubt a declaration of war by a cowardly treacherous unseen enemy.


Bin Laden is gone but there are others who will take his place. Some of our freedoms have been infringed upon and the war will go on but sooner or later the rest of the ring leaders will get theirs also

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I was watching a complete re-run of 9/11 on the National Geographic channel last night.


How did they manage to show it all in one night? :confused:


My recollection of events were that it went on well into October.


John X

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They should arrest every one of the pro Bin Laden clique,those that qualify for extradition,kick em straight out the ones with dual passports send them to where they seem to want to be,any of the idiots thats left lock em up and throw away the key or alternatively offer them free passage to the land of their dreams..bye bye and good riddance...and these are the people that get supported on here..moderates !!...no such animal in Islam

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