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Bin Laden's Funeral

EDL or Bin Laden Nutters  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. EDL or Bin Laden Nutters

    • I support the EDL in this protest
    • I don't support the EDL in this protest
    • I wouldn't support the EDL whatever the reason
    • I support the Bin Laden supporters and their right to protest

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You don't even know me you clown


People will form an opinion of your character based on the text you type.


If you don't wish for this to happen (and thus be commented on) then do not post on a public facing forum.:thumbsup:

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that was the reason the EDL was formed and because our Goverment haven't got the balls to do anything about the extremist scum.


Christ on a bike, will you take your head out of your arse!


The government, through the police and other agencies, have done more to protect the citizens of this country from Islamic extremists than you and your mates in the EDL ever have or will do. Apart from shouting at them and waving badly spelled placards, what exactly have you done to protect us from Islamic extremism?


As for those who celebrate Bin Laden and wave 'Down with England' placards, stuff 'em. Who cares? As long as there are no bombs going off here then they can rant and shout all they like.


And while you're there, can you answer my previous question? If you have no beef with ordinary, non-extremist Muslims, why do you protest against the provision of halal food in parts of the UK?


John X

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Christ on a bike, will you take your head out of your arse!


The government, through the police and other agencies, have done more to protect the citizens of this country from Islamic extremists than you and your mates in the EDL ever have or will do. Apart from shouting at them and waving badly spelled placards, what exactly have you done to protect us from Islamic extremism?


As for those who celebrate Bin Laden and wave 'Down with England' placards, stuff 'em. Who cares? As long as there are no bombs going off here then they can rant and shout all they like.


And while you're there, can you answer my previous question? If you have no beef with ordinary, non-extremist Muslims, why do you protest against the provision of halal food in parts of the UK?


John X


Yeah, why do your lot protest about halal food being made available?

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You don't even know me you clown your the one insulting me when you don't even know me your Just a pathetic WUM.


What part of there would be no need for the EDL if there wasn't Muslim extremists don't you understand :loopy: that was the reason the EDL was formed and because our Goverment haven't got the balls to do anything about the extremist scum.


So the EDL was formed to counteract Islamic radicals? The EDL evolved from football hooligan firms who's actions (thuggish behaviour) were being severely curtailed by police intelligence, in effect they were becoming impotent..they had no outlet..well we all know thugs need an outlet don't we, especially when in packs. The EDL were well versed in their sport long before radical Islamic issue..they were just operating under another guise.


So..our government don't have the balls (you may have a point there, granted) and your answer is professor ray gam? and his on average 17/25 year old predominantly male testosterone alcohol driven boot boys.


Certainly a problem I'll give you that..you and your thug palls are most definitely not the answer though.

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Christ on a bike, will you take your head out of your arse!


John X


Give him and bassman their due....they're splashing around in that drowning pool again not having a clue it's only 2 inch deep...it's the way of all extremists.

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And while you're there, can you answer my previous question? If you have no beef with ordinary, non-extremist Muslims, why do you protest against the provision of halal food in parts of the UK?


John X


Just to point out, halal in many instances is now being provided by default, leaving the consumer with no choice, often unlabelled. For people that do not want to eat Halal, simply not consuming items known to actually be halal is now not enough to avoid it.


One high profile example is Wembley Stadium, all meat products sold there are Halal. There's many more, including supermarkets if you do a search on it.


Some people might not want to eat meat products that have been slaughtered in the name of or blessed for some god they do not believe in. In fact some might find it down right offensive in the same way believers might find it offensive the suggestion they eat normal meat, or even forbidden meats. You might think that's irrational, but any more irrational that slaughtering animals and blessing them for some imaginary sky pixie?





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Some people might not want to eat meat products that have been slaughtered in the name of or blessed for some god they do not believe in.


If you don't believe in god(s) what difference does it make ?

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You don't even know me you clown your the one insulting me when you don't even know me your Just a pathetic WUM.


What part of there would be no need for the EDL if there wasn't Muslim extremists don't you understand :loopy: that was the reason the EDL was formed and because our Goverment haven't got the balls to do anything about the extremist scum.


They arrested and imprisoned the extremist protestors at Luton that the EDL formed in response to.


Was imprisoning people for a provocative protest not sufficient? Maybe you would have their hands chopped off too?

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