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Bin Laden's Funeral

EDL or Bin Laden Nutters  

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  1. 1. EDL or Bin Laden Nutters

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Unfortunately the author of that article is Melanie 'stupid and nasty' Phillips. Of course she's going to try and manipulate and exploit a current event to try and score points.


She's the kind of idiot who writes in favour of Intelligent Design, she made a significant contribution to the retarded anti vaccination movement.


She attacks anyone and anything with views anywhere to the left of UKIP, so of course she's going to fully 100% agree with the extra judicial killing of some "savage" (yeah that's what she calls arabs).


Basically, she's stupid, nasty, and very likely racist, and no-one with any sense would give a crap what she thinks about this, or any other issue.


Who is she scoring points against? She's just a news columnist printing her views, and I agree with her on this one.


Whatever her religious beliefs re creationism or intelligent design (which I don't agree with), this column she's written here is bang on the money.


She's probably very intelligent. She's written books. She's written columns for a number of newspapers. She's been Editor of the Guardian. She's an award winning journalist and author. She appears on BBC Radio 4. She often appears on BBC1 Question Time. From what I read she's been proven right on aspects of her books such as Londonistan.


She's obviously not stupid, put it that way. Stupid, nasty, racist is just your ill informed opinion of her. She's so racist, she reported on Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis being put through virginity tests on entry at Heathrow airport, a practice which was stopped soon after, thanks in no small part to her.

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Who is she scoring points against? She's just a news columnist printing her views, and I agree with her on this one.

It's not though, she's way off. Score points is probably wrong, that's not really what I meant. More that of course she's going to go for this cheap lowest common denominator stuff, and of course people like you will agree with her.


And I wasn't commenting on her religious beliefs, I was commenting on her retarded support of intelligent design to be taught as science, that is not a religious belief, it is a stance on education.


She's probably very intelligent. She's written four books. She's written columns for a number of newspapers. She's been Editor of the Guardian. She's an award winning journalist and author. She appears on BBC Radio 4. She often appears on BBC1 Question Time. From what I read she's been proven right on aspects of her books such as Londonistan.
If she was so intelligent, why would she believe in so many stupid things? The vaccinations thing is the worst, she has contributed to the suffering of children. You don't even need to read her articles to know what she thinks about something, just ask yourself: what would a stupid right wing caricature think about this? It's so predictable. She is almost indistinguishable from parody, she would be completely were it not for her nasty streak.


She's obviously not stupid, put it that way. Stupid, nasty, racist is just your ill informed opinion of her. She's so racist, she reported on Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis being put through virginity tests on entry at Heathrow airport, a practice which was stopped soon after, thanks in no small part to her.
I didn't say she was racist, I said probably racist.


And that's a totally fair thing to say about a person who calls arabs 'savages' and talks about the 'moral depravity of the arabs', someone who is currently under investigation from the Press complaints commission for inciting racial hatred. Regardless of some stance that she's taken about some other issue in order to try and give herself more authority on these issues.

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the United States of America has been at war with al Queida for more than 17 years.


That's like saying that the US is at war with anonymous.


How the <REMOVED> can you be at war with disparate groups is totally mental.


By their own accounts


Which version?


Americans are NOT stupid :loopy:


Not all, just some (of which group certain posters on here are part of - and probably support the IRA).


Any comments on the SAS execution of three IRA in Gibraltar two decades ago or the gunning down of civilians by the paras on Bloody Sunday?


Something the US were soooo concerned about that IRA funding from the US increased after these events.


The hypocrisy of the US at it's best:rolleyes:


have your requiems some place else.


If you don't like it, then simply ignore the thread. By posting on it you're giving it you're adding more legitimacy to it.


Crikey! Here's general Monty again. Recently retired military expert now giving us all the benefit of his polital expertise :hihi:


Crivens. It's captain cretin.


What's a "polital"?:rolleyes:


Indeed you are NOT Stupid :loopy:


He's not stupid, he's a moron:thumbsup:.


I don't know why they were pulled out of Iraq though and why they had to be withdrawn from Helmand Province in Afganistan about a year or so ago.


We elected a new government, one that won't roll over for the US. We probably pulled out as it wasn't our war. It was one that the US conned us into.


Well your government thought the Lockerbie bomber was innocent... or so we are led to believe.


Do try and get you facts right before posting them on an open forum, otherwise, you'll end up looking foolish.


For the record, it was the Scottish prosecutors that made the decision, not the UK government.


the gradener a Mexican


What's a "gradener" when it's at home?


DNA has cleared some innocents and they have been compensated in as much as any such compensation they received was any satisfaction for spending years behind bars


How have the innocent people that have been executed been compensated?


Have the people who passed the sentence also been executed?


20 years ago it was ok round here, now its like downtown karachi rat city


Where, exactly, do you consider "round here" to be?


Are you not aware its not possible to discuss issues relating to race without being accused of being some mouth foaming racist?


That depends on the language used and previous experience of the user making the comments.

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Are you not aware its not possible to discuss issues relating to race without being accused of being some mouth foaming racist?


Nobody is calling anyone a racist except in your head.


The problem is that time and time again when this is discussed, those who say 'we are in crisis', 'we are being swamped', if the 'problem of immigration isn't dealt with', when asked why they think that, and what exactly are the problems they forsee, all you seem to get is 'It doesn't look like England any more' and offensive remarks such as " now its like downtown karachi rat city", which you must admit sounds less like a serious social and economic argument and more a case of 'we just don't like Asians being here'.


And remember that "20 years ago it was ok round here", and "i see it as a loss of a typical british street landscape" don't hold up to much scrutiny because 20 years ago areas like Darnall looked pretty much as they do now. Nobody bothered much until we started to go into economic decline and all of a sudden it is 'look at all these immigrants taking away our resources'. Throw in a few dodgy statistics and a load of outright lies about what immigrants and asylum seekers are entitled to claim, and you have a situation which is meat and drink to organisations such as the BNP. UKIP and the EDL.


But if you look at the support these groups have (a support which is declining by the way), you must realise that most people don't really care and are much more interested in real stuff like schools, hospitals, pensions, climate and job security etc.


John X

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when asked why they think that, and what exactly are the problems they forsee, all you seem to get is 'It doesn't look like England any more' and offensive remarks such as " now its like downtown karachi rat city"


If that's the only kind of argument you've seen, you probably need to read more threads on the issue.


Nobody bothered much until we started to go into economic decline and all of a sudden it is 'look at all these immigrants taking away our resources'.


Concerns about immigration have not only emerged since or during the recent recession.

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Nobody is calling anyone a racist except in your head.


The problem is that time and time again when this is discussed, those who say 'we are in crisis', 'we are being swamped', if the 'problem of immigration isn't dealt with', when asked why they think that, and what exactly are the problems they forsee, all you seem to get is 'It doesn't look like England any more' and offensive remarks such as " now its like downtown karachi rat city", which you must admit sounds less like a serious social and economic argument and more a case of 'we just don't like Asians being here'.


And remember that "20 years ago it was ok round here", and "i see it as a loss of a typical british street landscape" don't hold up to much scrutiny because 20 years ago areas like Darnall looked pretty much as they do now. Nobody bothered much until we started to go into economic decline and all of a sudden it is 'look at all these immigrants taking away our resources'. Throw in a few dodgy statistics and a load of outright lies about what immigrants and asylum seekers are entitled to claim, and you have a situation which is meat and drink to organisations such as the BNP. UKIP and the EDL.


But if you look at the support these groups have (a support which is declining by the way), you must realise that most people don't really care and are much more interested in real stuff like schools, hospitals, pensions, climate and job security etc.


John X


That depends were you are in life. All people are effected differently. Some people have great experiences with other cultures and some don't. Just because someone states they are worried or they have had a bad experience it doesn't make it untrue or racist. (this is not aimed at you, I don't really know all your opinions on the matter.)


Rigid thinking. Put yourself in the position of others and you'll get a more varied perspective of how others feel the need to protest. :D

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Put yourself in the position of others and you'll get a more varied perspective of how others feel the need to protest. :D


I do.


But time and time again when I try to get to the bottom of people's worries (which I will freely admit are genuinely felt, even if not based in fact), I find that a large amount of 'fear of immigration' is based on the same half truths and lies that seem to keep circulating and when you try to dissect some of the facts and figures no-one seems to know them or will just post links to migrationwatch, the BNP or the Daily Mail all of which have their own particular agendas on the issue.


The fact is that immigration into the UK reached a peak in 2006 and has been steadily declining ever since. As this decline looks set to continue, those who claim an imminent crisis are just scare-mongering and feeding into a popular belief in some quarters that we are being 'swamped by immigrants'.


Pandering to that popular belief, as has been done by all three main political parties, is like telling a genuinely scared child that yes the bogeyman does exist but we will kill him, instead of saying I know you are scared but please don't be, because there is no such thing as the bogeyman.


John X

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Having once been in the British army myself I will say that the Britsh soldier is up there with the top.

I don't know why they were pulled out of Iraq though and why they had to be withdrawn from Helmand Province in Afganistan about a year or so ago.


The immigrants in Britain are no problem. Most of your doctors, nurses are from outside of UK and many other essential jobs are done by a large number of immigrants.

Immigration is a problem..even Cameron is on record as saying there are problems,maybe its time for the rest of the population ,especially those who blindly defend immigration,to wake up and smell the coffee,the trouble is because those people, and this forum is full of them,are afraid to admit the problems even though our PM has highlighted them,because then they will have to admit ,like others they were wrong all along

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