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"Slutwalks" in N. America

What to wear  

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  1. 1. What to wear

    • Women should wear what they want
    • Women should be more careful what they wear

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Why is it a problem? The women seem to think its okay to use the term?


You know as well as I do that a word's meaning and effect is influenced as much by who is using it, as the actual word itself.


'******', spoken by a civil rights leader is not the same as the same word spoken by a member of the Ku Klux Klan.


'Queer', used by a gay man is not the same as when used by a member of the BNP.


'Dyke' used by a lesbian is not the same as when used by a homophobic comedian.


and therefore, 'slut' used by a woman who thinks it is her right to wear what she pleases, does not meant the same thing when used by a man who thinks that a woman should dress in a certain, 'respectable' way.


John x

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Okay, that should end the topic, you don't understand why it's a problem to tell women not to dress like sluts, you can't see how that might have negative connotations or offend anyone, why it might be seen as implying that any subsequent harassment was their fault.

Are you single? I assume so, but if not, when your other half asks if she looks nice in the future, tell her she's dressed like a slut. You'll be single soon afterwards, but might then understand why it's a problem.


That really is quiet funny and hugely arrogant :hihi: If we don't all agree with you its discussion over:suspect:


I would hope all my g/fs would use common sense and not need my advise.


Why are you always so angry? :suspect::suspect:

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There's no point in trying to discuss this topic with someone who can't see why 'dressing like a slut' isn't appropriate. You either lack social skills or have women issues if you couldn't already see that. The rest of your inability to understand the problem stems from one of these two things.


I'm not angry about anything, what makes you think I am?

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There's no point in trying to discuss this topic with someone who can't see why 'dressing like a slut' isn't appropriate. You either lack social skills or have women issues if you couldn't already see that. The rest of your inability to understand the problem stems from one of these two things.


I'm not angry about anything, what makes you think I am?


Well you don't have to "discuss" it do you? Just accept that others may have a slightly different perspective on things. We all build our opinions on experience and listening to others. Well that's how I work.


I've stated a few times, I think, that the language the office used may have been wrong. But its the issue that's up for discussion I think. The debate has moved to the language used, rather than the issue.


I feel my, and the officer's, stance is to protect the women from harm while others seem to think its an infringement of someone's civil liberties to offer an opinion on their behaviour.


You do come across as angry to me sometimes. Perhaps you're just busy..And don't have time to be more civil:D

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I am, and always have, been talking about less serious sexual harassment. ie someone touching someone's backside and not a violent rape. Unfortunately, one can lead to the other and I feel if the former is less likely to happen, then the latter becomes even more unlikely.



I think this is the problem with your argument Frank. I dont think there is any link between a bit of slap and tickle in a nightclub between someone who is clearly being sexually provocative and a willing male participant; and a serious sexual assault or rape. One doesn't lead to the other.


Rape and sexual assault are about power and control, not sex. It doesnt matter how flirty you are, you are more likely to be raped or seriously sexually assaulted by a man if you are their partner, ex partner or family member. Whether you wear a hijab or a bikini.


I do agree with you that women dressed provocatively in nightclubs are more likely to get wolf whistled or 'hassled', but I dont agree that if they stopped dressing provocatively, rapes and serious sexual assaults would reduce.


I do appreciate that


*Disclaimer - Frank Sidney wishes it to be known,



and I think you've made that pretty clear :)

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I feel the debate is a little foggy now. I'll clarify a little. When I say "from a different perspective" I not only mean from someone who has a different opinion but also from the perspective of say a drunk male no brainer. Does HE think the woman who is dressed provocatively is up for it?

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I feel you are grasping at straws now. You haven't answered any of the points I raised in my last post. Like if the two girls were in the same situation say a night club, which one would receive the most lurid attention? You need to think out of the box, you're very rigid in your opinions.


I think it shows how puddled your thinking actually is. :D


Well your 'last post' wasn't addressed to me.


If there were two girls in a nightclub, one in a short skirt and a low top, the other in a bikini, then I would expect that the latter would receive more attention from both men and women. As I said before, I would imagine she was seeking attention. Women are allowed to seek attention if they want, and can dress how they want.


As for 'unwarranted attention' I have no idea, it's you that seems to know, which is why I asked you earlier to provide some evidence. A women wearing a bikini in a night club is certainly going to get more looks, which she might want, but she is also sending a signal that she is very confident, perhaps even threatening to a potential abuser.


It's you, and the police officer, that thinks it's simple, that scanty clothing equates with risk. I think it's much more complex than that.

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