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  1. 1. What to wear

    • Women should wear what they want
    • Women should be more careful what they wear

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Of course, to be pro-women and anti-patriarchy automatically makes me a misandrist, dear oh dear, any more cliches, myths and silly stereotypes you would like to label me with? And naturally, I would support any woman who committed any crime, by virture of the fact that we share the same sex.:roll:


I think that in cases where women have been proven beyond a resaonable doubt or confessed to having made a false rape claim, then the book should be thrown at them - it's a disgrace, does untold damage to all those genuine victims who are fighting a system weighted heavily in favour of the defendant, to get justice and undermines the credibility of all women.



Impartial juries frequently find defendants not guilty for a myriad of reasons, some being the way the victim is placed on trial and every possible tactic used to undermine her credibility, judges direct juries with some rather emotive language often referring to false allegations, many people have preconceived notions of female sexuality and 'appropriate behaviour' which they bring to bear in a trial, that is just for starters.




There you have it, really? Evidence is often very difficult to quantify in rape cases as ultimately in the majority of cases it boils down to one person's word against the other, which is where gender politics enters the court room arena and men walk away scott free.


The fact that these seasoned detectives are less inclined to believe the female victims than the male perpetrators does not mean that the majority of cases reported are false at all, in fact it is more likley to mean that any woman not fitting the stereotypical timid victim who was beaten black and blue and stranger raped in a dark alley will be branded at worst liar or at best responsible if she knew the rapist, which is the case with the majority of rapes; all of this is indeed evidence of how perceptions of women shape the judicial process.


Three allegations being 'proven' to be false or exaggerated? If indeed this is the case, does that render the veracity of every genuine case dubious?


Try reading this.


In 1998, a headline appeared in the local Grimsby weekly: "Man faces rape charge". He had dragged a 15-year-old girl down an alley and assaulted her. The CPS decided not to pursue the case. That man was Ian Huntley. At the time, he was not seen as a danger to the public, and neither are the majority of other "opportunist" rapists who get away with it. The girl was probably lying, eh?


You got called a misandrist on the basis that you started throwing the mysoginist label around and what with your massive assumptions about juries and this sweet litle comment "men walk away scott free" maybe the label is justified.


I know guys that have been falsely accused of rape I once communicated with a guy who was imprisoned for rape and then later aquitted. In his case the Police knew his acusser had made false allegations in the past but never revealed this and she never recieved any punishment at all.


Women have walked away with on the spot fines for making serious allegations that prove to be false does the rape crisis centre ever mention any of this?

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I've just spent an not-very-edifying five minutes reading Angry Harry, and it beggars belief that anyone would cite him as a credible source in a discussion forum. He is quite obviously somewhat unhinged, his website is badly designed and very poorly-written and the vast majority of the tripe that he posts is a mishmash of hate-filled rhetoric and, frankly, nonsense.


There's no shortage of credible research out there on rape. Citing bloggers like him is counter-productive at best.


5 minutes wooow! Didn't like the look of the site? umm some sort of predujice going there me thinks.


Unfortunately for you the person behind it is a doctor of clinical psychology who has years of experience on the subject. He's probably more qualified than most to comment on the subject but don't let that stop you from being a hater.

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You got called a misandrist on the basis that you started throwing the mysoginist label around and what with your massive assumptions about juries and this sweet litle comment "men walk away scott free" maybe the label is justified.


I know guys that have been falsely accused of rape I once communicated with a guy who was imprisoned for rape and then later aquitted. In his case the Police knew his acusser had made false allegations in the past but never revealed this and she never recieved any punishment at all.


Women have walked away with on the spot fines for making serious allegations that prove to be false does the rape crisis centre ever mention any of this?


Are you denying that there is misogyny on this thread then?


Where have I made massive assumptions about juries? I have read extensively about rape and rape trials, have studied them, worked with people who work in the field and with numerous academics who are active researchers. Who is making assumptions now?


I said that I think that women should be punished for bringing false allegations of rape. I will qualify that by saying that I believe if they have a mental illness then that should be a mitigating factor.


It is usual practice not to reveal someone's past offences in any case or trial as it is prejudicial and that same rule protects serial rapists as much as it did the woman you are referring to. However, we (or rather a number of people on this thread, mostly if not all men I believe) seem to have lost sight of the fact that more men are acquitted from rape than wrongly imprisoned for a crime that they did not commit.

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And there was me thinking that us wimmin had the monopoly on anti-opposite sex hate fuelled rants.:D


Well, quite.


5 minutes wooow! Didn't like the look of the site? umm some sort of predujice going there me thinks.


Unfortunately for you the person behind it is a doctor of clinical psychology who has years of experience on the subject. He's probably more qualified than most to comment on the subject but don't let that stop you from being a hater.


Dude. COME ON. You really, honestly, deep in your heart think this guy is a credible source? You need to take yourself back to Internet 101 class and learn how to differentiate between random angry mad bloggers and people who know what they're talking about.


If this guy is really a clinical psychologist I can safely say he is a very, very bad one. I'd hazard a guess he received his 'doctorate' from the same kind of institution as Gillian McKeith. I don't need more than five minutes to exercise my critical judgement on writing that bad.

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Are you denying that there is misogyny on this thread then?


Where have I made massive assumopions about juries? I have read extensively about rape and rape trials, have studied them, worked with people who work in the field and with numerous academics who are active researchers. Who is making assumptions now?


I said that I think that women should be punished for bringing false allegations of rape. I will qualify that by saying thatr I believe if they have a menatl illness then that should be a mitigating factor.


It is usual practice not to reveal someone's past offences in any case or trial as it is prejudicial and that same rule protects serial rapists as much as it did the woman you are referring to. However, we (or rather a number of people on this thread, mostly if not all men I believe) seem to have lost sight of the fact that more men are acquitted from rape than wrongly imprisoned for a crime that they did not commit.


Plenty of men with mental illness are in prison so that doesn't really wash, I would say the majority of false allegations are just malicious, your words reveal that you seem to think these women should receive special treatment.


Nobody has lost sight of anything and i find it quite worrying you trot out things like more men acquitted for rape than wrongly imprisoned for a crime they did not commit.


You don't think "all" of these men who were acquitted are still rapists do you?


Please back this up with some hard evidence.


These acedemics can you please provide some information on who they work for?


Do I see evidence of misogyny on this thread? None whatsoever but I see a lot of misandry.

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Well, quite.




Dude. COME ON. You really, honestly, deep in your heart think this guy is a credible source? You need to take yourself back to Internet 101 class and learn how to differentiate between random angry mad bloggers and people who know what they're talking about.


If this guy is really a clinical psychologist I can safely say he is a very, very bad one. I'd hazard a guess he received his 'doctorate' from the same kind of institution as Gillian McKeith. I don't need more than five minutes to exercise my critical judgement on writing that bad.


I'll let him do the talking:-



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5 minutes wooow! Didn't like the look of the site? umm some sort of predujice going there me thinks.


Unfortunately for you the person behind it is a doctor of clinical psychology who has years of experience on the subject. He's probably more qualified than most to comment on the subject but don't let that stop you from being a hater.


He is a complete idiot, you really don't need more than 5 minutes on his site to learn this. He's a paranoid fool, who sees conspiracy everywhere, like a sexist version of David Icke.


What exactly are his qualifications, where did he get them? and what has he got 'years of experience' doing?

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