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"Slutwalks" in N. America

What to wear  

131 members have voted

  1. 1. What to wear

    • Women should wear what they want
    • Women should be more careful what they wear

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What have I said that has been remotely anti-men? Could you give one measly example? Or was that just a lie?


You've told me you think he studied at Cambridge, that is meaningless though, you don't know, you're the one claiming he is a credible source on these matters, I'm simply asking you to show why he is supposedly credible.


'I think he studied at Cambridge' tells us nothing, because you 'think' all sorts of daft things.


You've also claimed he has 'years of experience' (presumably in a relevant field) yet you can't give any details at all.


This exchange started when you attacked another poster for criticising angry harry, which you attempted to justify by proclaiming him as an expert and someone who is more qualified than us to discuss these matters.


Do you actually have any reason to believe that, or did you just make it up?



If you want to varify his qualificationas and experience you go and discover them for yourself, I'm sure if you write to him and explain what you said about him on this thread and how you don't believe he is an expert in his field I'm certain he'll reply and put you at ease.


How are you anti-men? Well apart from all your bluff and bravado you haven't once made any actual attempt at addressing what the articles was saying, instead all you do is make stupid childish comments.

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Careful flamingjimmy, he's good at dishing out insults but can't seem to take it.


Even a childish attempt at insulting me, which was merely deflected by his poor spelling, resulted in him chucking his dummy out of the pram with more insults. Typical bullying behaviour.


I have to say, the mere presence of certain posters arguing against the misogyny, informs me that I'm on the right side of the debate.





I think it's fairly obvious to most people that whilst in the middle of a "debate" your only response is pull up a typo there must be something seriously wrong with your views.


If I have insulted you which I don't recall you have certainly contradicted yourself and continually calling people misogynists because they have a different view to is typical bullying behaviour.

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<snip yet more evasion>
So you don't have any reason to believe that he's any more qualified than anyone else to talk about this then, fair enough, I guess that's as close to a concession as I'll get from you.

How are you anti-men? Well apart from all your bluff and bravado you haven't once made any actual attempt at addressing what the articles was saying, instead all you do is make stupid childish comments.

I asked you 'what have I said that's even remotely anti-men'. You have been unable to find anything, but are too childish too admit that you were either


a. lying

or b. being stupid.


so instead you decided to change my question to something slightly different, and then give an answer to a completely different, third question that no-one asked, how bizarre! :hihi:

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I think it's fairly obvious to most people that whilst in the middle of a "debate" your only response is pull up a typo there must be something seriously wrong with your views.


If I have insulted you which I don't recall you have certainly contradicted yourself and continually calling people misogynists because they have a different view to is typical bullying behaviour.

Perhaps quisquose would like to go back to check the spelling of post 599 which he seems reluctant to answer. Very convenient.
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So you don't have any reason to believe that he's any more qualified than anyone else to talk about this then, fair enough, I guess that's as close to a concession as I'll get from you.


I asked you 'what have I said that's even remotely anti-men'. You have been unable to find anything, but are too childish too admit that you were either


a. lying

or b. being stupid.


so instead you decided to change my question to something slightly different, and then give an answer to a completely different, third question that no-one asked, how bizarre! :hihi:



You're getting boring now.


You want to find if he is more qualified than others to speak on the subject, go and ask him and find out for yourself.


You just slagged off a guy that does a lot of work for men and all you could come up with is riducule the way he looks and called him a paranoid nutter which basically shows your level of hatred.


Did I change your question? I doubt it, just my eyes glazing over having to repeat myself for your benefit.

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Perhaps quisquose would like to go back to check the spelling of post 599 which he seems reluctant to answer. Very convenient.
Thought as much!!!


Would anyone else like to answer the question on his behalf or has this one proved to be a little to awkward for you, especially since answering it would illustrate why most adults don't want to see kids dressing that way. Go on, answer it. It won't smart for long.:D




Originally posted by danot

quisquose feels that women wearing clothes that reveal a lot of leg and cleavage is nothing more than wearing fancy dress, a bit of harmless fun. Yet I'm confident that most parents with a young teenage daughter wouldn't approve if she were to dress that way. Which beggars the question- what is it that makes adults feel it's unacceptable for children to dress that way?

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He's clearly not that interested in the subject if all he's looking for is typos and spelling.
It's the <REMOVED> favourite tactic. If you can't beat em, make other <REMOVED> laugh at em.


Pretentious, insincere hypocrites.

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He's clearly not that interested in the subject if all he's looking for is typos and spelling.


You stated in an earlier post that you were aware that there were far more derogatory terms for women based around sexuality and sexual behaviour than there are for men.


Why do you believe that is? You've stated also on this thread that you believe society is misandrist. How do you square that belief with the idea that there are far more derogatory terms to describe women's sexual behaviour than mens?

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I suppose that sums it up.


Ever thought why sexual derogatory terms for women far outweigh those for men? I believe some study undertaken in the US found that 200 terms for woman and 20 for men were found. Any idea why that might be? The only term I've heard for men is "stag", even that could be construed as complimentary. For women the list is endless.

Might be due to the fact that women can be down right absolute butchers when gossiping and calling one another. A feminine trait that men can't take any of the credit for.
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