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"Slutwalks" in N. America

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  1. 1. What to wear

    • Women should wear what they want
    • Women should be more careful what they wear

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I'm rather tired of the endless assumptions that you make and views that you attribute to me. Why would I think that Fathers for Justice are nutty and weird? I happen to think that there are men out there who have been dealt a raw deal when it comes to access to their kids and sadly there are women out there who use their kids as pawns.


It is obvious to anyone that Angry Harry is very bitter and twisted so it is not unreasonable to infer from his misogynistic stream of consciousness that he has had a bad experience or two with women. He's not speaking about said experiences in any meaningful way, just ranting about how dreadful most women are and according to him, we live in a matriarchal society.


Where do you get this idea you speak for the majority? in an earlier post you implied that a jury wasn't as clever as you and further back that wowmen who made false rape allegations were probably ill.


Next you decide that a guy who runs a website that has had maybe 1 or 2 runnings with females (your words) is somehow nuts and yet not once have you ever managed to challenge what he actually said.



I'll stick with my origianl opinion thanks. Devious, emotional and stupid.

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Where do you get this idea you speak for the majority? in an earlier post you implied that a jury wasn't as clever as you and further back that wowmen who made false rape allegations were probably ill.


Next you decide that a guy who runs a website that has had maybe 1 or 2 runnings with females (your words) is somehow nuts and yet not once have you ever managed to challenge what he actually said.



I'll stick with my origianl opinion thanks. Devious, emotional and stupid.


Huh? Your quantum leaps are quite something, so now I speak for the majority?! I never implied that a jury wasn't as clever as me, that is your inference. I also never said that women who make false rape allegations are mentally ill, I said that in cases where they are mentally ill, I would accept their mental state as mitigation, however, if not then yes they should have the book thrown at them.


You obviously are quite stupid and unable to engage in proper debate or understand exactly what it is that other posters are saying, or rather you ascribe what you expect them to say instead of what they actually state. This is probably why you gravitate towards the Angry Harrys of this world whose 'musings' are at best unedifying. I've already challenged some of the myths that you espouse (along with your mate Harry) and highlighted how he is so way of the mark about domestic killings, and that is just for starters; I started a thread about that once on here, search for it and read it.

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Huh? Your quantum leaps are quite something, so now I speak for the majority?! I never implied that a jury wasn't as clever as me, that is your inference. I also never said that women who make false rape allegations are mentally ill, I said that in cases where they are mentally ill, I would accept their mental state as mitigation, however, if not then yes they should have the book thrown at them.


You obviously are quite stupid and unable to engage in proper debate or understand exactly what it is that other posters are saying, or rather you ascribe what you expect them to say instead of what they actually state. This is probably why you gravitate towards the Angry Harrys of this world whose 'musings' are at best unedifying. I've already challenged some of the myths that you espouse (along with your mate Harry) and highlighted how he is so way of the mark about domestic killings, and that is just for starters; I started a thread about that once on here, search for it and read it.


Yawn. You are the typical feminist and in that respect you are no different to angryharry ie extreme views, you have challenged nothing, you cherry pick information, you insult and you use false data.


All you have left is a barrage of emotions.

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Yawn. You are the typical feminist and in that respect you are no different to angryharry ie extreme views, you have challenged nothing, you cherry pick information, you insult and you use false data.


All you have left is a barrage of emotions.


So you acknowledge that Angry Harry holds extreme views then? Progress at last.


The rest is nonsense and not even worthy of a response. Once again, classic projection.

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There's not a lot to know about Feminists really. devious, emotional and stupid.


Kind of like adult babies.


What a very perceptive statement.


I hope you don't mind, but I've pinched it for my signature, with one or two minor corrections, of course. :love:

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What a very perceptive statement.


I hope you don't mind, but I've pinched it for my signature, with one or two minor corrections, of course. :love:


Evenin Dozy could you change "men" in your revised signature to "Streamline"? Then it would have universal cross gender support :hihi:

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I haven't even voted on the poll but you certainly do come across as a bit of control freak who seems to be a bit of a moron yourself. You don't actually know what was said behind closed doors do you and do you know why that is?


It's because people like you would be quite happy to see him out of a job, no amount of apologising would ever satisfy you and on the basis of one badly worded but sensible bit of advice you have him labelled and a woman hater!


And because women don't agree with him people like you have all women as lesbo's. It's easy to make stuff up. Maybe you're just a bit high from brown nosing angry harry. :hihi:


Don't know what problem you and the missus had , but angry harry has had a messed impact on you. Not surprising you have visitation issues if that's your problem, I wouldn't let you within 100 miles of kids as you seem so terribly angry. Hang on!


Skinz. I'm not only offering an opinion, I'm speaking from personal experience also.


I've witnessed it first hand on far too many occasions to number, so whatever your source of statistical information is; it most probably isn't accurate.


Think about it.


When a women dresses provocatively she is effectively modelling herself on and mimicking the style of the commercially sexualised image of women.


I'm not claiming to know whether she does it deliberately or inadvertently, although it wouldn't matter what her reason for doing it was as she'd still have given the impression that she's more game than other women who are casually dressed.


I'm not saying she'd be at fault for dressing provocatively, I'm saying- based on my personal experiences of witnessing the way in which most men respond to provocatively dressed women, provocatively dressed women would most definitely be more likely to be approached, harassed, insulted or sexually assaulted than a casually dressed woman.


It's not subjective, it's just the way it is.


It's the way it is because of your experience. Is your experience such that your mates or whoever harass, insult and sexually assault women based on their dress? by enlarge I would suggest that the vast majority of men don't. Those that do have real problems, problems and issues I might suggest that are far more serious than a woman wearing fishnets as somehow a related aspect to their messed up mentality. I've never called a woman a slut or any other derogatory term, primarily because I'm confident, I don't see a woman any less because she may not be interested or find me attractive. There are many situations that I could have but that would be because I would have been desperately insecure. Provocative, sexy is not a Green light, the Green light is when she says yes. She can stick her tongue down my throat and tickle me kidneys and walk away. I don't need to debase myself and I certainly don't need to insult her for it. Life is really too short. I guess we are also influenced by who we hang out with and befriend...I don't have or know anyone with a pitbull as an accessory who constantly use expletives as a constant form of the English language. So no, I disagree, it isn't "the way it is" for most. Being "approached" isn't a problem, people get approached every day.


When you dress to attract you also have the right to refuse who you are attracting, not be abused for it, otherwise she'd have every little greaser all over her.


You're right in the sense men abuse, no denying that, but to suggest that women dress casually as a precaution or barrier to verbal or physical abuse is quite ridiculous, because the evidence proves otherwise.


My last contribution to this thread as I'm going to find it difficult to get to the pooter. I also think what you and I are saying has been incessantly repeated.





Of course he may have had bad experiences with women (not that I'm aware though) but that's not unusual for most guys these days is it?


You think?


Yes, as do women with men, mostly though men and women who do, do tend to muster on and come to an amicable solution. Those that don't generally go on a crusade or look for solace at "angy harry's" pitstop cheesing him off even more by sitting opposite him stuffing their faces with chips. Leave him alone streamline, he might lighten up a bit, maybe you too.:hihi:

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When a women dresses provocatively she is effectively modelling herself on and mimicking the style of the commercially sexualised image of women. .


Sorry, missed this bit.


Yes if the woman when getting dressed to go out and have an enjoyable evening, thinks like a social scientist while doing so.:hihi:

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