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"Slutwalks" in N. America

What to wear  

131 members have voted

  1. 1. What to wear

    • Women should wear what they want
    • Women should be more careful what they wear

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What a very perceptive statement.


I hope you don't mind, but I've pinched it for my signature, with one or two minor corrections, of course. :love:


I'd qualify your sig with (a bastardised streamline statement)


Just so as not to confuse like. :hihi:

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And because women don't agree with him people like you have all women as lesbo's. It's easy to make stuff up. Maybe you're just a bit high from brown nosing angry harry. :hihi:


Don't know what problem you and the missus had , but angry harry has had a messed impact on you. Not surprising you have visitation issues if that's your problem, I wouldn't let you within 100 miles of kids as you seem so terribly angry. Hang on!



So an the basis that two women on here don't like his site you come to that conclusion and add your own little bit of spite in suggesting I'm sticking my nose up his backside. I think the amateur psychologist on this thread would have a field day with that one.


But on a more serious note of course you haven't read the site fully but there's plenty of emails on there from Parents, Grandparents etc who have written about the various they have found their sons in and in the main it's Mothers writing. It's the same scenario for Fathers4justice who not only have the support of men but also again of wives, partners, grandparents because they get to witness first hand how corrupt the system is.


Do you see how so far your attempt at a generalisation would lead someone to think you have very little experience in these areas?



My concern is if you don't know anything about this subject then why get involved in a "debate" about it?



You think?


Yes, as do women with men, mostly though men and women who do, do tend to muster on and come to an amicable solution. Those that don't generally go on a crusade or look for solace at "angy harry's" pitstop cheesing him off even more by sitting opposite him stuffing their faces with chips. Leave him alone streamline, he might lighten up a bit, maybe you too.:hihi:



Which is quite ironic considering what this thread is about isn't?


Cop says something in a school in front of a handful of students, the feminists go hysterical and in the process the knight in shining armour and all round ladies man (There's a funny smell around here) skinz joins in!:hihi::hihi:

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So you acknowledge that Angry Harry holds extreme views then? Progress at last.


The rest is nonsense and not even worthy of a response. Once again, classic projection.



I don't find the site extreme personally, I must admit that when I first came across the site I couldn't believe what I was reading but bit by bit the the penny started to drop. As a casual observer though I can see how you get so bent of shape about it when you offer up sites like thefword.

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Ha ha, I just read some of that Angry Harry stuff.


What an arse - he really spells out the state of his own wilful ignorance with his comments on Steve Jones.


Still I bet he'll be chuffed with all the extra traffic eh?


What you mean like this ignorant piece that follows?


Biologist Steve Jones - A Parasite?


Can't imagine he'll notice the visit that much in amongst the thousands that he gets.

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It's the way it is because of your experience. Is your experience such that your mates or whoever harass, insult and sexually assault women based on their dress?

No it isn't. Harassing provocatively dressed women isn't something that either my mates or I ever contemplate doing when we're out.



Posted by skinz

by enlarge I would suggest that the vast majority of men don't. Those that do have real problems, problems and issues I might suggest that are far more serious than a woman wearing fishnets as somehow a related aspect to their messed up mentality.

There's also the problem with the way in which women are being commercially sexualised isn't there?, not to mention the way in which some women dress to intentionally replicate the image of the commercially sexualised woman which is aimed exclusively at men. Is it any wonder some men are messed up mentally?


Posted by skinz

I've never called a woman a slut or any other derogatory term,

Nor have I(or my friends)for that matter.


Posted by skinz

primarily because I'm confident, I don't see a woman any less because she may not be interested or find me attractive.

:huh: Sorry, but I have to ask. Are you drawing a general comparison or do you have a particular somebody in mind?



Posted by skinz

There are many situations that I could have but that would be because I would have been desperately insecure.

Feeling insecure about what? Women not finding you attractive?... or are you generalising again skinz?:D



Posted by skinz

Provocative, sexy is not a Green light, the Green light is when she says yes. She can stick her tongue down my throat and tickle me kidneys and walk away.

Agreed. Many women would walk up to a fella, stick her tongue down his throat and tickle his kidneys then walk away- green light or no green light.




Posted by skinz

I don't need to debase myself and I certainly don't need to insult her for it. Life is really too short. I guess we are also influenced by who we hang out with and befriend...I don't know anyone with a pitbull as an accessory who constantly uses expletives as a form of the English language.

Would it some how change you as a person if you did know someone who fits your description? Also, isn't it somewhat hypocritical to say how a women dresses is entirely subjective then make a sneering comment about those who eff-n-jeff to much for your liking and own pitbulls?



Posted by skinz

So no, I disagree, it isn't "the way it is" for most. Being "approached" isn't a problem, people get approached every day.

But you're generalising.


I wasn't.


Posted by skinz

When you dress to attract you also have the right to refuse who you are attracting, not be abused for it, otherwise she'd have every little greaser all over her.

But I'm not talking about "rights". I'm talking about- cause and affect, which is what I thought we were discussing seeing as it's what the OP's link relates to.


Posted by skinz

You're right in the sense men abuse, no denying that, but to suggest that women dress casually as a precaution or barrier to verbal or physical abuse is quite ridiculous, because the evidence proves otherwise.

That depends on what you consider evidence.


Posted by skinz

My last contribution to this thread as I'm going to find it difficult to get to the pooter. I also think what you and I are saying has been incessantly repeated.

In that case I'll bid you farewell.
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No it isn't. Harassing provocatively dressed women isn't something that either my mates or I ever contemplate doing when we're out.



There's also the problem with the way in which women are being commercially sexualised isn't there?, not to mention the way in which some women dress to intentionally replicate the image of the commercially sexualised woman which is aimed exclusively at men. Is it any wonder some men are messed up mentally?


Nor have I(or my friends)for that matter.


:huh: Sorry, but I have to ask. Are you drawing a general comparison or do you have a particular somebody in mind?



Feeling insecure about what? Women not finding you attractive?... or are you generalising again skinz?:D



Agreed. Many women would walk up to a fella, stick her tongue down his throat and tickle his kidneys then walk away- green light or no green light.




Would it some how change you as a person if you did know someone who fits your description? Also, isn't it somewhat hypocritical to say how a women dresses is entirely subjective then make a sneering comment about those who eff-n-jeff to much for your liking and own pitbulls?



But you're generalising.


I wasn't.


But I'm not talking about "rights". I'm talking about- cause and affect, which is what I thought we were discussing seeing as it's what the OP's link relates to.


That depends on what you consider evidence.


In that case I'll bid you farewell.


Danot re-read his last post Re;- women sticking their tongue down his throat and having to ask permission.


The guy is a wind up merchant a virgin or a feminist.

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Oh, I know my limits all right. Especially as far as they pertain to arguing with people who just don't know how to think on the internet. I just sometimes forget what an entirely pointless waste of my time that is.


And then someone like you comes along and reminds me all over again.


What's the point of getting all angry just because I don't agree with you. Calm down dear...


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