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Looking for a old friend

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  • 6 months later...

did you find your old friend???

I hope you did and your both getting along.

I am wanting to do this, find a friend I had when I was about 5.

She has same birthday as me and we grew up together for the 5 yr I lived in Chatham.


I miss a lot of old friends , sat thinking about the ones I was close to.

I had a lovely friend once she had 2 boys I did a lot to help her with her boys. They where good lads, she was a good lass we just grew apart.

We got in a stupid few rows a really bad point in my life and I was really ****ty to her.


I feel bad about it now, cos I didn't handle things in a mature way at all.

But you can't change the past you can only make a better future.

She did get to me sometimes, used to feel taken for granted a lot.


As we did a hell of a lot for her, she could be a bit spiteful at times to.

She was my friend though and Instead of telling her things where not great in my life and I was not coping. I vented on her, we went our own ways after.

It was for right reasons and I hope she is happy now sure she is :)


If we had not of fell out, I would not of found my amazing friends I have now :)


Some friends are just better off left in the past !!

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