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Ever seen a ghost

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Another incident from years back involved an old army mate. He was living in a rented house in Oxford. He was the only one in the hose that day, the other occupants his sister and brother-in-law were out. He heard the toilet flush upstairs and ran up to see who was there. Nothing. Nobody

A family of five who lived there before were all killed in a car accident a few years previously


People hear things that aren't there as well, a mystery flush is just about the least convincing ghost anecdote I've ever heard.


If I go to an old pub and tell a load of people a fake story about an old man who wore a red gown who was brutally murdered and now haunts the place, chances are, someone will eventually 'see' that old man, that I made up. Similar experiments have been done.


The point is, we see (and hear) with our minds, not with our eyes (and ears), and our brains are very very capable of playing tricks on us. For this reason the anecdote of a single person will never be convincing to me because Ockhams' razor says that its far more likely that their brain tricked them.

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flamingjimmy are you a none believer? or have you seen things before?


I have a couple of times seen things in the corner of my eye, but I do not for a single second believe it was the spirit of some dead person, that is a silly superstition.

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That doesn't make sense, I did not say that all people see things that aren't there all the time.


A 'sensation of something not quite right' could be caused by any number of things, none of them supernatural or paranormal.


Like something telling you that you were not wanted..... to go away. Strangely enough another person experienced exactly the same thing in the same cemetery and he was featured in a TV documentary about the supernatural

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People hear things that aren't there as well, a mystery flush is just about the least convincing ghost anecdote I've ever heard.


If I go to an old pub and tell a load of people a fake story about an old man who wore a red gown who was brutally murdered and now haunts the place, chances are, someone will eventually 'see' that old man, that I made up. Similar experiments have been done.


The point is, we see (and hear) with our minds, not with our eyes (and ears), and our brains are very very capable of playing tricks on us. For this reason the anecdote of a single person will never be convincing to me because Ockhams' razor says that its far more likely that their brain tricked them.


what about voices that have been captured on audio equipment answering apersons questions? or saying someones name that is in that house?

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People hear things that aren't there as well, a mystery flush is just about the least convincing ghost anecdote I've ever heard.


If I go to an old pub and tell a load of people a fake story about an old man who wore a red gown who was brutally murdered and now haunts the place, chances are, someone will eventually 'see' that old man, that I made up. Similar experiments have been done.


The point is, we see (and hear) with our minds, not with our eyes (and ears), and our brains are very very capable of playing tricks on us. For this reason the anecdote of a single person will never be convincing to me because Ockhams' razor says that its far more likely that their brain tricked them.



How about poltergeists and things mysteriously flying around a room?

There have been enough stories told about those happenings

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if anyone would like their home or anyplace investigated by our team please email us and give us a brief description of what is happening and where and we will be happy to talk to you

we are very descrete and reliable.

our email adress is s.p.i.t@hotmail.co.uk



Sheffield Paranormal Investigation Team

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Like something telling you that you were not wanted..... to go away. Strangely enough another person experienced exactly the same thing in the same cemetery and he was featured in a TV documentary about the supernatural


Those feelings can be reproduced by scientists by using infrasound, or stimulating certain parts of the brain, they can even make you see things.


source 1


"In the first controlled experiment of infrasound, Lord and Wiseman played four contemporary pieces of live music, including some laced with infrasound, at a London concert hall and asked the audience to describe their reactions to the music.

The audience did not know which pieces included infrasound but 22 percent reported more unusual experiences when it was present in the music.

Their unusual experiences included feeling uneasy or sorrowful, getting chills down the spine or nervous feelings of revulsion or fear.

“These results suggest that low frequency sound can cause people to have unusual experiences even though they cannot consciously detect infrasound,” said Wiseman, who presented his findings to the British Association science conference."


source 2


"Simple stimulation of the brain can cause the mind to play complex and creepy tricks on itself, neurologists have discovered. They found that, by inserting electrodes into a specific part of the brain, they could induce a patient to sense that an illusory 'shadow person' was lurking behind her"

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what about voices that have been captured on audio equipment answering apersons questions? or saying someones name that is in that house?


No such recording has ever been made that has either


A. proved to be geniune.

B. not been some sort of electronic noise that could be interpreted as any number of words/sounds.


Most of those EVP recordings are complete nonsense, you could play them to 10 different people and have them hear 10 different things. You hear what you are looking for.

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How about poltergeists and things mysteriously flying around a room?

There have been enough stories told about those happenings


'enough stories'?


The same could be said for alien abductions, lizard people sightings, meetings with various mutually exclusive gods. People see things that aren't there. Also, people lie. Also People remember things wrong. Between those three I think I just about cover it.

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No such recording has ever been made that has either


A. proved to be geniune.

B. Been some sort of electronic noise that could be interpreted as any number of words.


Most of those EVP recordings are complete nonsense, you could play them to 10 different people and have them hear 10 different things. You hear what you are looking for.


im not on here to argue or prove a point to you thats not who i am! im just trying to state my point of view from a paranormal investigator., that we and most other paranormal investigation teams will have cought some kind of audio that cannot be explained

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