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Soyo Bar in Town

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Who employs the "security" guys on the door here? What a trio of aggressive individuals. I left the bar sober and early last night to find it raining and whilst reaching into my bag for my brolly the "security" guy literally got hold of me and shoved me into the street, he and his colleagues turned very aggressive within seconds quoting health and safety regulations (someone must have mentioned it in passing when they paused at being stupid). Ive never been treat so badly in an establishment. Had a bad experience in Soyo before with a group of lads but vowed that it was a one off and not to write it off. Shant be going again...not that the owner gives a monkeys, but he should take heed and be aware that his staff are aggressive, rude and endangering his business. Note to self, will walk past one evening and make a note of the security man's number that they are required to display by law, which I should have done last night! Might come i handy. What comes around goes around......

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I assume the OP has compained to the bars management who will be responsible for employing the bouncers or choosing which contractor to use.


If you dont speak up how are they supposed to know.


A formal complaint is the way. They might have CCTV footage too if you ask.

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Hmmmm... Saturday's are extremely busy in Soyo with a high volume of people going in and out of the small doorway entrance. There isn't time nor room to stand about trying open an umbrella in the doorway without a crush quickly developing or the umbrella poking other customers in the head. The doorstaff have to keep the doorway clear at all times and will ask people to move first. Customers have a habit of ignoring these polite requests to move though so sometimes a firmer approach needs to be taken.


The door team at Soyo are experienced and professional.

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