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Soyo Bar in Town

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The op didn't mention being asked even once.
he/she may not remember if they were drunk, like investigator says health and safety are an issue where umberellas are concerned especially in areas which have to be kept clear at all times, maybe the op should do what most girls do on a weekend when its raining and have a tesco bag ready to put on thier noggin, lol
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like investigator says health and safety are an issue where umberellas are concerned especially in areas which have to be kept clear at all times

That's not true. The Health and Safety Act doesn't even mention umbrellas. It's just an empty excuse to push people around.

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That's not true. The Health and Safety Act doesn't even mention umbrellas. It's just an empty excuse to push people around.
give over, if someone is stood messing around with an umberella in an area where they shouldnt be and may or may not have been asked several times to vacate that area, then what ever that person is doing even if they are on the phone, searching for keys or scratching thier bits they need to shift so the exit/entrance can be kept clear incase of emergency egress.

If the op had a call from a relative saying they had been rushed to hospital and they ran out to the door only to be stuck behind 20 people waiting to get out but cant because some numpty is trying to put a brolly up in the doorway i dont think they would be very happy about how the door staff didnt keep the door clear for thier emergency either.

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give over, if someone is stood messing around with an umberella in an area where they shouldnt be and may or may not have been asked several times to vacate that area, then what ever that person is doing even if they are on the phone, searching for keys or scratching thier bits they need to shift so the exit/entrance can be kept clear incase of emergency egress.

If the op had a call from a relative saying they had been rushed to hospital and they ran out to the door only to be stuck behind 20 people waiting to get out but cant because some numpty is trying to put a brolly up in the doorway i dont think they would be very happy about how the door staff didnt keep the door clear for thier emergency either.


Well said.

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the op did not say she was trying to put an umbrella up in the door way she said she was getting it out of her bag as she was leaving presumably so she had it ready to put up when she got outside. also the op didn't say she was asked to move at any point, she also states she left sober and early.

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what a load of rubbish, door staff shouldnt put there hands on you full stop. If they want someone to vacate the doorway all they have to do is ask. All this is doing is damaging the already dwindling bar/pub trade, pushy or aggresive doormen are literally damaging the Businesses they work for, which just shows how thick most of them are to begin with...

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the op did not say she was trying to put an umbrella up in the door way she said she was getting it out of her bag as she was leaving presumably so she had it ready to put up when she got outside. also the op didn't say she was asked to move at any point, she also states she left sober and early.
oh did i not mention im related to barrack obama and i've been to the moon 4 times, what the op says is going to be biased toward thier own situation isnt it dont you think. and i've been there when a woman is trying to find something in thier hand bag it can take forever especially if it one of those massive things they all have now, it'd probally been easier for her to put her handbag over her head
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what a load of rubbish, door staff shouldnt put there hands on you full stop. If they want someone to vacate the doorway all they have to do is ask. All this is doing is damaging the already dwindling bar/pub trade, pushy or aggresive doormen are literally damaging the Businesses they work for, which just shows how thick most of them are to begin with...
anyone who works in customer services or retail will appreciate that not everyone does as they are asked the first,second third or ever if they dont want to, and the arrogance of some people astounds me as to how they can be so pig ignorant and a bit of drink amplifies those mannerisms 10 fold, dont you think doorstaff have to put up with this sort of stuff every night all shift long and they can only be polite for so long or the people they are asking to move will take the mick.
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One last go before I go to work. :)


give over, if someone is stood messing around with an umberella in an area where they shouldnt be

There isn't such a thing as a "no umbrella zone", so that point is moot.


they need to shift so the exit/entrance can be kept clear incase of emergency egress.

Through your own logic then the doorstaff need to go and stand in the rain, because they're blocking the doorway too. Secondly, you've presumed that the emergency situation was imminent. If the person standing in the door was a 7' giant with muscles like King Kong, would they've been so quick to utilise their "health and safety = pushing people" excuse?


if the op had a call from a relative saying they had been rushed to hospital

... because a bouncer had pushed them over with no excuse. ;)


You can't have one justification for pushing people who have stood in a doorway for one second. Ask them to move, simple. Beyond that we have no authority on whether the OP is true or false, it's just a one-sided story. He could've been told 12 times and the bouncers gave up and pushed him, which has a little more justification. If they never even said a word it is wrong, simple.


Surely you can't argue that all bouncers are pleasant and well mannered people?

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If the OP is so aggrieved then she is well within her rights to see the CCTV footage of the night? If the doorstaff pushed her without asking but if they asked her numerous times and she ignored them, then she's only got herself to blame.


Although if the physically got hold of her then shoved her out into the rain, that could be a different story

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