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Soyo Bar in Town

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One last go before I go to work. :)



There isn't such a thing as a "no umbrella zone", so that point is moot.



Through your own logic then the doorstaff need to go and stand in the rain, because they're blocking the doorway too. Secondly, you've presumed that the emergency situation was imminent. If the person standing in the door was a 7' giant with muscles like King Kong, would they've been so quick to utilise their "health and safety = pushing people" excuse?



... because a bouncer had pushed them over with no excuse. ;)


You can't have one justification for pushing people who have stood in a doorway for one second. Ask them to move, simple. Beyond that we have no authority on whether the OP is true or false, it's just a one-sided story. He could've been told 12 times and the bouncers gave up and pushed him, which has a little more justification. If they never even said a word it is wrong, simple.


Surely you can't argue that all bouncers are pleasant and well mannered people?


My bold. The doorstaff were stood outside in the rain ! They don't stand in the doorway as it needs to be kept clear at all times.

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ok one last reply before you goto work

One last go before I go to work. :)



There isn't such a thing as a "no umbrella zone", so that point is moot.


I didnt say there was an umberella zone, so your reply is moot i said what they are doing in the doorway they need to move


Through your own logic then the doorstaff need to go and stand in the rain, because they're blocking the doorway too. Secondly, you've presumed that the emergency situation was imminent. If the person standing in the door was a 7' giant with muscles like King Kong, would they've been so quick to utilise their "health and safety = pushing people" excuse?


Firstly doorstaff would happily stand in the rain if they were asked to or if the need arised.

secondly it doesnt matter if an emergency was imminent or not All exits and entrances have to be kept clear at all times.



... because a bouncer had pushed them over with no excuse. ;)


You can't have one justification for pushing people who have stood in a doorway for one second.


is one second term of speech as in the bus left a second ago when in reality it had left about 3 or 4 minutes ago?


Ask them to move, simple.


For all we know they may have asked, begged or bribed to move lol.


Beyond that we have no authority on whether the OP is true or false, it's just a one-sided story. He could've been told 12 times and the bouncers gave up and pushed him, which has a little more justification.


True and we'll never know


If they never even said a word it is wrong, simple.


It is wrong if the op was not asked to move, but in my experience and mine alone the doorstaff will make at least one attempt to ask people to clear a doorway


Surely you can't argue that all bouncers are pleasant and well mannered people?.

If a bouncer is treated and talked to with respect like any other person then that person will generally get respect back, there are some who dont give hoot but 95% of doorstaff are like you and I decent people with families

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How can you justifiy what these doorman do there is a lot in Sheffield who if you look at the wrong way or even breath near they want to smack you or be aggressive towards you like some one said if it was a big bloke they would have asked politly no doubt its an ego thing for some door man look at me am a doorman am hard am on steroids they need to grow up and do there job correctly

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How can you justifiy what these doorman do there is a lot in Sheffield who if you look at the wrong way or even breath near they want to smack you or be aggressive towards you like some one said if it was a big bloke they would have asked politly no doubt its an ego thing for some door man look at me am a doorman am hard am on steroids they need to grow up and do there job correctly


This stereotypical attitude is simply wrong, and certainly does not apply to the door team at Soyo who are experienced and professional. Reasonable force has to be used on occasions, but only when necessary.

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anyone who works in customer services or retail will appreciate that not everyone does as they are asked the first,second third or ever if they dont want to, and the arrogance of some people astounds me as to how they can be so pig ignorant and a bit of drink amplifies those mannerisms 10 fold, dont you think doorstaff have to put up with this sort of stuff every night all shift long and they can only be polite for so long or the people they are asking to move will take the mick.


It sounds to me like the doorman was in the wrong here, if door people dont want trouble they need to brush up on people skills. Plus, if door people dont want hassle dont work in security on a saturday night, work in an office. Simple.

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It sounds to me like the doorman was in the wrong here, if door people dont want trouble they need to brush up on people skills. Plus, if door people dont want hassle dont work in security on a saturday night, work in an office. Simple.

If the doorman quoted the reason for moving the op was for health and safety reasons then the op must have been breaking the health and saftey laws for that premesis, the fact the op says she was man handled for no reason at all and she was only stood there for a "second" is neither here nor there she would have been allowed enough time by the doorstaff to leave the club in plenty of time it was her choice to stand in the doorway blocking access/exit for other people thus breaking the rules and probably causing a bottleneck of people both ways. yes she may not have wanted to get her hair wet but what about the people waiting to get in who were getting rained on dont they have the right to enter the club without access problems?

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The lady was asked on several ocassions to move out of the doorway which she refused to do, she was then told on more than one ocassion that she was causing a back log and blocking a fire exit point which she chose to ignore. At this point the door staff walked her out of the doorway. At no point did the door man lay a hand on the lady but got nothing but abuse back. Just because he is a doorman it does not make him a thug or a bad person . Due to health and safety legislation act 1974 all doorways must be clear and free to evacuate persons in an emergency, therefore it was not unacceptable to ask the lady in question to move and after several requests to be escorted off the premesis.

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This stereotypical attitude is simply wrong, and certainly does not apply to the door team at Soyo who are experienced and professional. Reasonable force has to be used on occasions, but only when necessary.


Although I haven't had problems with them myself, one of them likes to stand ON the stairs going up to the toilets with a menacing expression, fight gloves on and posing as though he's well up for a scrap.


Not particularly professional if you ask me...

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anyone who works in customer services or retail will appreciate that not everyone does as they are asked the first,second third or ever if they dont want to, and the arrogance of some people astounds me as to how they can be so pig ignorant and a bit of drink amplifies those mannerisms 10 fold, dont you think doorstaff have to put up with this sort of stuff every night all shift long and they can only be polite for so long or the people they are asking to move will take the mick.



If these "doormen" can only be polite for "so long" I suggest they find alternative employment where they can vent their spleen, ie become a pro boxer or the like. I would also suggest that the "laying on of hands" without just cause, (defending themselves) may may render them liable for prosecution. Assault.





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If these "doormen" can only be polite for "so long" I suggest they find alternative employment where they can vent their spleen, ie become a pro boxer or the like. I would also suggest that the "laying on of hands" without just cause, (defending themselves) may may render them liable for prosecution. Assault.





ok so tell me would you take crap all day from drunken people who dont listen to what your saying to them and will stand and argue just for the sake of it, ofcourse your going to say yes just to try and prove me wrong but i say to you walk a mile in thier shoes then come back on here and spout that same rubbish
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