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Would a doctor..

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Just talk to the doctor and see what they say...from the horse's mouth as it were.....no good asking people their opinion on a forum and then questioning the advice you receive..


Well, 2 different opinions does kind of confuse you, if they had all been no, then fair enough. Now go and annoy someone else :D

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I would make an appointment with the doctor making sure they know it is about your mum, you can voice your concerns and the doctor might say they will follow it up and contact your mum saying they had not heard from her regarding the results. However if there is concern over the results I would expect the GP to contact people anyway.

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give you the results of a relatives blood tests? Out of worry i need to find them out, would they do it, if you explained the worry? The person in question didnt get them, due to reasons im not sure of.


If it's any consolation, lots of times that tests and scans have come back with serious news the GP will make every effort to contact the patient themselves. I've know of times when they've turned up at the patients house with the results unannounced.

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No, you have no right to the results of her blood tests, unless perhaps if it has been proven she has diminished responsibility, or, perhaps, as someone else said, with her permission, and even then, I'm just guessing and don't know what the protocol would be.


BUT you CAN phone her Dr and tell her Dr all your concerns, if you wish (I might be tempted to do this in writing!), and where you are coming from, and then it would be up to the Dr to do what he/she thinks is best, given the information you provide.


That was going to be my advice too.


Your mum's GP would probably welcome the information that you give to them about your mum's health (both physical and mental health) and there are no rules whatsoever about what information you can share with them about your mum.


The only other solution would be to start going through the process of being appointed as your mum's power of attorney if she is genuinely unable to take decisions on her own behalf, or is found to be unable of comprehending the risks of a situation by a court. A doctor would be able to share her medical information with you as her 'guardian' in that instance, but if this is either temporary or she is considered mentally capable then there's no point in even thinking about this one.

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If it's anything serious, won't they call her in again anyway?


If the doctor had any concerns about her blood results he would have called her back to surgery and acted upon it.

What would you do with the blood results if you were given them ?

If you have concerns for your Mums health you should persuade her to make an appointment with the GP and ask her if you can go with her to voice your concerns.

If she refuses to go and refuses to give the doctor permission to discuss blood results with you then is nothing you can do tbh.

At the end of the day, it's your Mums body and she has (and should always have) full say it what happens to it.

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