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EU demands Israel release Palestinian funds

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What are the chances this 'democracy' will listen ? :cool:




Israel blocked transfer of $105m in customs duties and other levies it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority.


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel should not withhold tax revenues from the Palestinian Authority following its unity deal with Hamas.


In telephone talks with Netanyahu on Friday, Ban reaffirmed UN support for Palestinian unity under the leadership of Abbas and called on the Israeli prime minister to give the deal a chance to lead to an historic peace accord.


"The Secretary-General ... noted that Palestinian unity is a process which is just beginning now, and thus, it would be best to assess it as it moves forward," the UN press office said in a statement summarising Ban's telephone call with Netanyahu.


"He also urged Israel not to stop transferring tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority," it said.


Israel on Sunday blocked the transfer of $105 million in customs duties and other levies it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, following a deal to reunite the two rival wings of the Palestinian independence movement.


Palestinians see reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas as crucial for their drive for an independent state in territories Israel occupied in 1967.



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