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So really, league is the easier version of rugby lol


League is an extremely physical game. Union flows, a dominant go-forward team keeps the ball. In League the ball-carrying team generally has the ball for six tackles so there are patterns of play which are inevitably a little predictable. In Union, there are unlimited patterns of play that are limited only by the team's skill in task-execution. Defending against this is chaos, so said a Welsh international returning to Union after a successful earning spell in League.

In both games, hard, fast, imaginative running lines and on-the-shoulder support running and passing out of the tackle win the day pretty much every time.

There's nowhere to hide on the pitch in either Code unlike the overpaid primadonna world of the "Andrex Premiership" (soft and endlessly overpriced).

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Completely different set of rules.


Union has 15 players on a team, compared to 13 in league.


Union has rucks, mauls and scrums, whereas in league they have resets after each tackle.


I prefer union because it flows more/is less stop-start. It's also more physical.


That's a tough one to call, Dan. League is a pretty punishing game as well, but without the scrum impact, so maybe less neck injuries?

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Completely different set of rules.


Union has 15 players on a team, compared to 13 in league.


Union has rucks, mauls and scrums, whereas in league they have resets after each tackle.


I prefer union because it flows more/is less stop-start. It's also more physical.


Its your oppinion but you can't have watched much league if you think union flows more and is less stop start. I'm surprised anything happesn with re-setting the scrums four times, line outs and kicking it end to end for most of the game.

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