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Anyone else wish there was/glad there isn't a timer on SF?

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Just thinking, as I often do, after I've made a post then decided to edit it, that it would be interesting if there was a timer that allowed you to see how much time you've got left for your quick edit, before it turns into an official 'edit'.


I suspect we get a minute (doubtless someone will set me right) which does give enough time for a quick typo amend, and even for a sentence or two to be added or deleted.


If there was a timer on a count down, would you add more before your time ran out? Or would you feel pressurised and distracted, knowing how little time you have left to secretly edit your post?


Would you like a count down timer? Or just not give a damn because you hadn't realised that you can amend posts without leaving a trace?


Or are your posts perfect first time around? Do you think that the initial posting should be the one that counts, with no secret time available to make those little changes you wish you'd made the first time?

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I don't care if people know I've edited or not, makes no difference.


It does to me. I can't help myself glancing at the time of someone's edit in relation to the posting time, and thinking of their momentary pang of irritation when they notice the typo, or think of something they meant to say, or have decided not to say, and I catch myself rereading their post wondering which it was. Grrr.

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It does to me. I can't help myself glancing at the time of someone's edit in relation to the posting time, and thinking of their momentary pang of irritation when they notice the typo, or think of something they meant to say, or have decided not to say, and I catch myself rereading their post wondering which it was. Grrr.


Yeah I do the same to be honest.


It is slightly amusing when you see someone has edited their post and it still has typos.


Especially when the reason for editing is "typo".

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