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Remember Herman The German

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At one period during the 60s all my mates and myself plus asstd. females started to frequent the Royal Oak at Coal Aston Saturday nights.It had a landlord named Wally Arrap ,a club comic who was barred from all clubs because of the risque content of his act,in other words he was too disgusting.Having his own pub he would do a turn ,no probs,the place was heaving.In the middle of the act he produced a model--Herman the German--,he would take it to a woman telling her to press his head making an enormous John Thomas pop up making her either scream or laugh to the audience,s amusement.It was a very popular pub while Wally ran it,did anybody on the Forum ever go there and see Herman the German!:D:D:D

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Hey old tup - thank for the reminder. I remember Wally and his Herman the German very well. He caught my missus with it. if you remember, he had the pub remodeled. One corner of the pub was previously the 'Gents' and he always referred to it as the place when the big boys used to hang out. Another one of his that I remember was when he said " Is a pimple on a nun's bum a religious gathering ? Great days. I was a driver on Sheffield Transport and we used to go out to Wally's place as a group sometimes. Do you remember his gorgious blonde daughter in law who served in the bar?

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The pub was next to a dance hall wasn't it ?

Didn't he also have the statue of a naked man with his private parts covered by a hinged fig leaf in the ladies toilets and if the fig leaf was lifted it rang a bell behind the bar...

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