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Day 1 stopping smoking!

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Hey, how many cigs do you smoke a day? I was like you for ages, kept saying I was going to quit but never did. I find that I'm getting more determined the longer I've stopped, start with just a day without one, I'm at a week now, and i know it would really upset me if I had one now, so that's spurring me on.


Quitting with someone else helps, as it almost a competition and don't want the other person to beat you.


I'm not sure exactly how many because it's roll ups, but I get through 25g of tobacco in 2 days, so quite a few...


You're right about having a quit buddy, last time I stopped it was with my boyfriend and we could support each other. And the 'one day at a time' thing is very true as well. My doctor told me when he quit he decided to see it as a battle, a war, and every day without a cigarette he was getting closer to winning. I just need to get a grip and choose a day to do actually do it :)


Congratulations on your week!

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Oh, and re: side effects of stopping - I usually get a horrible cold within the first week, cough up foul-tasting gunk for at least three weeks, can't sleep, lose my appetite (maybe this is a good thing?), get headaches (probably stress-related), tend to have awful dreams and get very sweaty at night (if I can get to sleep in the first place, which is very much not guaranteed) and just generally feel like ****e on a stick for about a month.

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fell off the wagon big time:(, cant believe it what an idiot! im going out on sunday for a few pints so yet again i've set my date for monday to yet again quit, i must come across as a bit of a joke, but i am using this thread to be honest and to eventually kick the dirty habbit! for all those who have stopped keep going and be strong unlike me!


still not going to quit quitting tho!!!!!!


Maybe you should set your date as now rather than setting a date 4 days away.

Could you go out on Sunday and not smoke, or if not, then not go out.


It would have to be that way for me as it is almost like having a get out clause. Does that make sense?


Just trying to help.

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Went to the chemist and started on one of their 'courses', you go in once a week for 6 weeks, talk you thru which treatment is best for you, ie patches/gum etc, given a carbon monoxide test. Started on saturday on 14mg Nicotelle patches, no headaches or coughing up gunk this time. Had some slight cravings last night and a weird taste in my mouth this morning, but I'm impressed.


I'd definitely recommend this method as with you having to be tested each week for carbon monoxide you feel like you're been watched!

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I'm not sure exactly how many because it's roll ups, but I get through 25g of tobacco in 2 days, so quite a few...


You're right about having a quit buddy, last time I stopped it was with my boyfriend and we could support each other. And the 'one day at a time' thing is very true as well. My doctor told me when he quit he decided to see it as a battle, a war, and every day without a cigarette he was getting closer to winning. I just need to get a grip and choose a day to do actually do it :)


Congratulations on your week!


So did you boyfriend quit and stay a non smoker then? Or is he back smoking too?


It really is true about getting over the first week, Im at a point where I only want a cig maybe once or twice a day now, not all the time like it was the first few days.


Just waiting to see if I'm gonna put any weight on, so far so good though x

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Maybe you should set your date as now rather than setting a date 4 days away.

Could you go out on Sunday and not smoke, or if not, then not go out.


It would have to be that way for me as it is almost like having a get out clause. Does that make sense?


Just trying to help.


thanks but its hard to just stop like that, you have to be ready in the mind, im going out on sunday and after that i shall be staying away from pubs for a while, old habbits take some beating, but they will be beat:)

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So did you boyfriend quit and stay a non smoker then? Or is he back smoking too?


It really is true about getting over the first week, Im at a point where I only want a cig maybe once or twice a day now, not all the time like it was the first few days.


Just waiting to see if I'm gonna put any weight on, so far so good though x


He did stay a non-smoker at the time, but is now smoking again. Also no longer my boyfriend...I do hope the two things aren't connected ;)

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well, i am still a non smoker, stopped on sat 7th may.


to begin with i found i needed one, not because i needed one, but because i always had one at this point in time, ie, when topgear finished, when i had finished my coffee, during the walk to the tram stop etc.


its made more difficult because my wife is a 20 aday smoker who has no intention of stopping, she claims (lol) that she works hard and has no other vices so she enjoys a smoke.


yes- headache yes-overeating yes-chesty cough, also sleeping more, breathing easier, saving money........extending life by about 10 seconds .....sure i will appreciate that when i get to the end, improved sence of smell and taste......


damn i need a fag lmao



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well, i am still a non smoker, stopped on sat 7th may.


to begin with i found i needed one, not because i needed one, but because i always had one at this point in time, ie, when topgear finished, when i had finished my coffee, during the walk to the tram stop etc.


its made more difficult because my wife is a 20 aday smoker who has no intention of stopping, she claims (lol) that she works hard and has no other vices so she enjoys a smoke.


yes- headache yes-overeating yes-chesty cough, also sleeping more, breathing easier, saving money........extending life by about 10 seconds .....sure i will appreciate that when i get to the end, improved sence of smell and taste......








what a guy, keep it up mucka:)

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