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Numtys reverse parking at supermarkets,

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and surely its easier to reverse out of a parking space than into one..idiot


A narrow car parking space and your manoeuvring front wheels are locked in that space trying to negotiate this as opposed to the wide approach roads?


I think its clear who the idiot is if you can't see the logic or space difference.


I've seen more bumps in car parks from people reversing out than reversing into a space.

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Why is it that you get a fat lardarse of a woman in a blacked out black Range Rover trying to do a 45 point reverse parking procedure into what's obviously a double space whilst chatting on her mobi and holding everyone up at Tesco's (Archer road) last Saturday? (Later seen, still on her mobi in the frozen food aisle) ... numpty!

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correct mr scuba, alchresearch thats called, not being able to drive. i take it your in that category. and surely its easier to reverse out of a parking space than into one..idiot


It's not. The steering gear is at the end that has most freedom when you have reversed into the space. Ever wondered why forklift trucks have rear wheel steering?


You owe Alchresearch an apology.

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why do idiots reverse park at supermarkets then go get a trolley full of shopping then come back to the car and try to get the trolley between the cars......stupid idiots.


I reverse park at supermarkets sometimes, if I don't have loads of shopping. I'm perfectly capable of taking the shopping bags out of the trolley and putting in the boot, without trying to shove the trolley between cars.

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