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A Miracle Has Happened

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Here I go again back to school in the 50s,in my last term we used to have a teacher called Mr Johnson for some of our lessons.At Hillfoot he was very popular,always making us laugh,he made lessons interesting quite a change from most of the misarable sadists we were landed with.But make no mistake he stood no nonsense,he was very tall a bit gawky.I digress,in this certain lesson we had a written test,in our class the pupils ranged from very intelligent to having the brainpower of a rhesus monkey!.One of the latter named Charles A----- was sitting next to one of the former,at the end of the test the teacher marked the papers and called for attention.He stood up and said{I never thought it would happen to me but a miracle has happened,Charles would you step forward].Now Charles was a smelly scruffy little nerk who could barely spell his name!.[Charles has scored 20 out of 20,now Charles have you been copying?].[No sir] big mistake,Mr Johnson grabbed him by the lapels,lifted him 2 ft in the air and shook him like a rag doll[Dont you lie to me you dirty little so and so].A confession followed shortly,we all tiddled ourselves laughing, Charles was a pain to everybody he came in contact with,he got me a caning more than once!:roll::hihi::hihi:

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