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Supervised Methadone Taking - Boots Drakehouse

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After a late appointment at my doctors yesterday i went to 'boots the chemist' at drakehouse to pick up my prescription (the chemist next door to my doctors closes at 6) The shop and pharmacy bit was quiet, only a few people shopping. As i approched the counter a young lad was there, and been aware of this sort of thing. I knew he was a 'addict'. Must admit from the second i saw him i put my handbag over my shoulder and started to keep an eye of him. I was abit weary. If thats understandable?? Anyways turned out he was waiting for his 'methadone' which he had to take there and then in the middle of the chemist. If im been honest i did feel abit sorry for him but also felt quite sick. He left after that and i left shortly after him. I felt really on edge knowing he may be about when i was walking to my car.

Dont chemists provide any privacy for them to maybe take their 'fix' in private. Not so much for him but for the general public who have to see it?? Esp a big company like boots??? Im just guessing if i didnt see him or what he was doing then maybe i wouldnt have felt as weary and on edge as what i did.

Anybody else seen this or know of any chemist that dosnt allow it in public??

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Some chemists have a little side room where they do consultations and give people their methadone.


If it was me, I'd not want to take anything in front of other people, it's a bit degrading, isn't it?


I wouldn't feel on edge though... if he's on methadone, it means he's (most probably!) off the heroin, so won't need to be thieving to support an addict. He'll most probably also feel hideous- methadone isn't nice stuff, much more addictive and with worse withdrawal than heroin.


Remember- it's not the drugs that turn people into criminals, it's the circumstances in which the drugs put them. There are lots of middle/upper class heroin addicts who you wouldn't even notice.

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After a late appointment at my doctors yesterday i went to 'boots the chemist' at drakehouse to pick up my prescription (the chemist next door to my doctors closes at 6) The shop and pharmacy bit was quiet, only a few people shopping. As i approched the counter a young lad was there, and been aware of this sort of thing. I knew he was a 'addict'. Must admit from the second i saw him i put my handbag over my shoulder and started to keep an eye of him. I was abit weary. If thats understandable?? Anyways turned out he was waiting for his 'methadone' which he had to take there and then in the middle of the chemist. If im been honest i did feel abit sorry for him but also felt quite sick. He left after that and i left shortly after him. I felt really on edge knowing he may be about when i was walking to my car.

Dont chemists provide any privacy for them to maybe take their 'fix' in private. Not so much for him but for the general public who have to see it?? Esp a big company like boots??? Im just guessing if i didnt see him or what he was doing then maybe i wouldnt have felt as weary and on edge as what i did.

Anybody else seen this or know of any chemist that dosnt allow it in public??


It must have been terrifying to see someone sip a bit of liquid.

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Our chemist has a little screen which the addicts go behind, but other customers can still see them.


What annoys me about them is that they get their methadone free, and can get their fix straight away, whilst I have to queue and pay the full prescription charge for my prescription!

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i once went into the chemist on southy green round about a few years back and found myself about 6th in the que, everyone infront of me was taking thier methadone prescription, from what i saw its just like drinking cough medicine from a plastic cup infact i had to ask the assistant what was happening so not a big deal in my eyes if it stops them commiting crime to pay for a fix then im happy with this situation

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What annoys me about them is that they get their methadone free, and can get their fix straight away, whilst I have to queue and pay the full prescription charge for my prescription!


It must be huge inconvenience, I'd be furious.

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Our chemist has a little screen which the addicts go behind, but other customers can still see them.


What annoys me about them is that they get their methadone free, and can get their fix straight away, whilst I have to queue and pay the full prescription charge for my prescription!


I imagine most heroin addicts don't have a job so they're entitled to free prescriptions. Would you rather they were still on the skag out mugging old ladies for their next fix or getting a free dose of methadone which they'll be weaned off eventually?

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He left after that and i left shortly after him. I felt really on edge knowing he may be about when i was walking to my car.


If he'd just taken methadone the most you'd have to worry about was him falling asleep somewhere near you. You could probably have pushed him over with a feather.

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Hang on a minute !


How do you no he was a herion addict and getting a free script?


He gets his immediatley because the pharmacist knows he will be coming in for his "fix" as you call it at that time of day.


I go for my "fix" everyday as I had a severe addiction to opioid analgesics after a particularly heavey bout of neurological surgery. I take subutex on a daily basis as the withdrawal from the painkillers was unbearable.


I choose to go daily as that way I cannot lose my medication (with it being a strictly controlled drug you will not be able to replace it if it is lost or ruined).


I call into the chemist on my way home from work (except on weekends when I take it home) and its all paid for on a pre-paid prescription.


I work full time and have no interest in stealing your bag and I dont feel embarressed about taking this medication as it is my choice. The people in the chemist taking their meds are the ones who dont want to have to rob you anymore hence they are in there in the first place. The ones that should worry you dont go to the chemist to get "clean" they rob your bag in town to pay for their gear!


What does get to me is the looks[/i i get for being a smack head!!!

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