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Israel's blockade of Gaza is cracking

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I met an old timer once working on a hop farm in Kent, smashing old guy, cockney in his 70s, in the early 1990s, who'd been drafted in 1940, never been out of even London, never mind Britain before, found himself on a ship going to Cairo.


when the ship docked they rushed out on to the wharf and he bought some bread (they probably got ripped off ; some things never change) and before he took a mouthful of it, he remarked, 'oh look! There's currants in it!'


one of his mates said, 'they're not currants. They're flies'.

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I met an old timer once working on a hop farm in Kent, smashing old guy, cockney in his 70s, in the early 1990s, who'd been drafted in 1940, never been out of even London, never mind Britain before, found himself on a ship going to Cairo.


when the ship docked they rushed out on to the wharf and he bought some bread (they probably got ripped off ; some things never change) and before he took a mouthful of it, he remarked, 'oh look! There's currants in it!'


one of his mates said, 'they're not currants. They're flies'.


But how does this story relate to this thread :gag:

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that's was for Harleyman's benefit, but ok let's get it back on topic.


the Nakba demos, there's been flashpoints on the Lebanese/Israeli border, where it seems like the Lebanese army shot dead about 10 Palestinians, and also on the Syrian/Israeli border, where the Israelis apparently shot dead a couple of Syrians, or less likely, Palestinians, trying to sneak into Israel (who couldn't have possibly got anywhere near the border without the connivance of the Syrian army, as it is a heavily militarised zone).


but Egypt and Sinai has turned out to be a right damp squib :




Rafah convoys turned back, activists protest at Israeli embassy


CAIRO: Convoys carrying activists and aid heading to the Rafah border were turned back at Ismailia on Sunday as hundreds protested in front of the Israeli embassy in Cairo to support the "Third Palestinian Intifada."


Activists said numerous checkpoints were set up on the road towards Rafah and no one was allowed to pass unless their national ID identified North Sinai as their residence.


A number of participants were arrested by the military, activists told Daily News Egypt.


"All convoys were blocked on Friday and Saturday at Al-Salam Bridge and Ahmed Hamdy Tunnel and were forced to turn back by the army. However, we decided to organize a protest in front of the Israeli embassy instead," said Mohamed Al-Hadary, an activist who was part of the convoy that moved from Tahrir Square on Friday.


A number of activists managed to reach Rafah with the help of local residents and organized a peaceful protest in front of the crossing to mark the establishment of the state of Israel 63 years ago, in what is commonly referred to in Arabic as the "Nakba" or "catastrophe."


"We were stopped at Al-Arish and only the residents of the city were allowed through; however we managed to get in," said Khaled Salah, an activist and coordinator of the Egyptian International Coalition to Break the Siege on Gaza.


"Security measures here are tightened, the army has deployed cordons across the city and refused requests to organize a demonstration; however, there were no clashes between activists and the army," he told DNE from Rafah.


The Ministry of Interior issued a statement Sunday urging Egyptians not to respond to calls for participating in planned marches to the borders with Gaza and to consider "the critical and important circumstances the country is undergoing."


Activists held a sit-in Saturday at Al-Salam Bridge in Ismailia demanding entry into Sinai before ending their sit-in amid threats that thugs were planning to attack them, according to press reports.


"The army called transportation companies on Friday and forced them to cancel the contracts with us to provide buses but we managed to hire private buses but were blocked at Ismailia," said Mohamed Awad, member of the Coordinating Committee for the March to Gaza (CCMG).


"It was the army who forced us to end the sit-in and blocked aid convoys at Al-Salam Bridge," he added.


Awad said that he saw three activists being arrested at the gates of Ismailia.


According to activists, a convoy set up by Arab Doctors Union carrying medical aid was allowed into Gaza.


Convoys headed on Friday from Tahrir Square to Rafah but were blocked on Al-Salam Bridge, while others who moved on Saturday weren't allowed into the city of Ismailia.


The army dispersed a protest demanding the expulsion of the ambassador and breaking ties with Israel in front of the Israeli embassy Friday night.


The convoys are organized by internet activists as well as political parties and youth movements including April 6, the Labor Party, the Democratic Front Party, Al-Karama Party and the Muslim Brotherhood.


They were supposed to be joined by many others in the Arab world as part of a collective call for a “Third Intifada” against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land marking Nakba Day.


haha they went all the way out towards Sinai, about four hours on a bus, and the Egyptian army said no chance, go back to Cairo and protest outside the Israeli embassy if you want to ( and where the Egyptians will provide massive security in line with their diplomatic obligations).


seems like that despite the drumbeating, the blockade is alive and well.



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to be honest i dont care too much for the middle east problem


however, white european askenazi jews who make up the majority of the settlers/occupiers have no right over the deserts of the middle east .


askenazi jews are European converts!


their ancestry is European!


But surely not many nations in the world are occupied with their original people?

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But surely not many nations in the world are occupied with their original people?


Ashkenazi jews are not the original people


thats what we have been discussing


they are Jewish converts


of khazar ancestry!


since when have Caucasian Europeans been the locals in the Middle east? last ice age?

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If you want the TRUTH your LOGIC should tell you to investigate the Arab-Nazi connection a little further. Check out the Mufti of Jerusalem, ardent Nazi supporter and guest of Hitler in Berlin also Adolf Eichmann and his visit to Palestine. It's all there on Wikipedia just for the reading.

My father served with the British 8th Army in North Africa in WW2. They were told to keep their mouths shut about anything military when mixing with Libyan and Egyptian civilians


so was the pope

so was the ottomans

so were the italians

so were the japanese


so were a handfull of americans , yes ameria also had a nazi party! some members were jewsish!


o and lets not forget Geroge bush grandad bank rolling Hitler , yes congress did out a stop to that


naughty bush!

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repeating your delusions endlessly will never make them true, I'm afraid. As genetic studies have now comprehensively shown, Jews, Ashkenazi, Serpardi and Mizrahi all, have ancestry can be traced back to the Middle East, and their DNA has more in common with Arabs and other present day inhabitants of the Middle East than most Europeans.


Prescott Bush did not 'bankroll' Hitler either. That's another if not outright barefaced lie, then just the kind of lazy falsehood typical of the likes of you. Investing in Germany's economic recovery in the 1930s was not commensurate to supporting the Nazis, thousands of foreign investors did exactly the same as him, only nobody thinks to mention it as their children never got elected President.

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Yeah right I Would like to see a "israels war of independence " agaist the full force of the British empire of the time ( which in your senireo would have not been in a bloodied by a full scale world war )


The full force of the British Empire could not be mustered in 1948, The UK was virtualy bankrupt, two years after WWII we'd suffered the winter of 1947, there were far more important things for the UK to be involved in within the British Empire/Commonwealth than the goings on in Israel.

Considering how Israel fared in their war of independence it doesn't say much for the calibre of the Arab fighting man, maybe that's why they (Arabs) started using human shields ans suicide bombers (targeting civillians).

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The full force of the British Empire could not be mustered in 1948, The UK was virtualy bankrupt, two years after WWII we'd suffered the winter of 1947, there were far more important things for the UK to be involved in within the British Empire/Commonwealth than the goings on in Israel.

Considering how Israel fared in their war of independence it doesn't say much for the calibre of the Arab fighting man, maybe that's why they (Arabs) started using human shields ans suicide bombers (targeting civillians).


yes all those babies run over by tanks and blown to bits by american made isreli fired bombs


all human shields!

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