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Israel's blockade of Gaza is cracking

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Yet more twaddle, the land was not truly occupied by anyone other the the jewish settlers, the tribes were nomadic for the most part, look at Libya where Gadaffi is negotiating with various tribes which are typical of the arab culture.

All the Israelis did was to reclaim their rightful homeland.


to be honest i dont care too much for the middle east problem


however, white european askenazi jews who make up the majority of the settlers/occupiers have no right over the deserts of the middle east .


askenazi jews are European converts!


their ancestry is European!

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this guy is thick as two short planks if he really does think that. Living standards are considerably higher in Gaza than they are in Egypt, even notwithstanding that Gaza is currently governed by a bunch of maniacial and violent religous nutjobs.


like I've always said, the anti-Israel crowd don't care about the Arabs at all. They don't want to see any benefit accruing to Arabs in the form of the kind of political freedoms that Arab citizens of Israel now take for granted, seeing as they've had them for sixty years. All they really care about is hating Israel, and the Jews.



my my , this has too be the best bull**** i have ever heard


please tell me again and the world that Gaza has a better standard of living than egypt or other areas of the world



please expand on why you believe that.

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to be honest i dont care too much for the middle east problem


however, white european askenazi jews who make up the majority of the settlers/occupiers have no right over the deserts of the middle east .


askenazi jews are European converts!


their ancestry is European!


repeating this obvious untruth will never make it true. Those Israelis with European antecedents, which make up around fifty per cent, never mind those that have their origins in the Middle East, genetic studies have shown that they tend to have more in common with Arabs' DNA than anybody else.

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my my , this has too be the best bull**** i have ever heard


please tell me again and the world that Gaza has a better standard of living than egypt or other areas of the world



please expand on why you believe that.


Gaza: 73.68

West Bank: 74.78

Egypt: 72.4

Lebanon: 74.79

Syria: 74.46

Iran: 71.43



Same for infant mortality.

Gaza: 17.71

West Bank: 15.41

Egypt: 26.2

Lebanon: 16.4

Syria: 16.14

Iran: 34.66



same goes for most socio-economic indicators, literacy, and educational levels. Gazans and West Bankers may not be doing as well as Israelis, be those Israelis Arabs or Jews, but they're certainly doing better than Egyptians, Jordanians, Iranians, amd Pakistanis.

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Absolutely not, but as long as Israel prohibits and restricts food and medicine into Gaza, as long as it targets Palestinians (via helicopter gunships and F16s), the chance for peace is extremely minimal.


Fine, we agree that gaza should be demilitarised and money spent on food and medicine and not explosives.

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repeating this obvious untruth will never make it true. Those Israelis with European antecedents, which make up around fifty per cent, never mind those that have their origins in the Middle East, genetic studies have shown that they tend to have more in common with Arabs' DNA than anybody else.


( pulls up arm chair )


ok sir please tell me how on earth askenazi jews who are descendants from th Khazar empire ( all of whom were Jewish converts ) are related to arabs?



are you suggesting the jews from the middle east came to eastern Europe , mixed with the locals , forget thier religion , became part of the khazaria empire and then RECONVERTED to the jewish relgion?



please tell me in details why you believe white European Askenazi Jews belong in the deserts of the middle east?



if they realy wish to reclaim thier old homes be it thousands of years later surley that home would be what is now called turkey and surrounding countries?







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repeating this obvious untruth will never make it true. Those Israelis with European antecedents, which make up around fifty per cent, never mind those that have their origins in the Middle East, genetic studies have shown that they tend to have more in common with Arabs' DNA than anybody else.


Packs bags and puts a claim in on Africa. Anybody seem me jets n tanks?

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