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Israel's blockade of Gaza is cracking

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But you like the terrorists of Hamas who use suicide bombs deliberately tageting civillians.

You idolise terrorists who attack school busses.

You support terrorists who fire unguided missiles indiscriminately into residential districts from back gardens of their own residential districts.

You accept Hamas using their own children and womenfolk as human shields.

You accept Hamas/palestinians placing luxury goods against none profit making essential needs.


Yes you're a very well balanced person I can see why you support hammas.


Do i ? :huh:

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look mate you haven't got a clue. Jews have been living CONTINUOUSLY on the land for a period of 3,300 years and all forms of the Jewish diaspora, Ashkenazi Sephardi, or whatever, have looked to Jerusalem as the center of the culture for millenia. You haven't got the slightest idea about Jewish history at all, you've made not the slightest attempt to look into it objectively and you should just shut up about it, because you only serve to embarrass yourself.


you're also doing the Palestinian case on the modern Israel/Palestine issue no favours with your inoherent ramblings.


I could not agree more , ( raise your glance to the above post of mine )


Indeed Jews have been living peacefully inside jeruselum since before roman times ,


However ( please get this into your head as I do NOT whant to sound repetative )


Ashkenazi Jews are European converts

From kharzarian decent !

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Why does it matter where they came from, Israel is now their country.


Agree isreal is the country for them now ,


I don't argue that point ,


And am usaly not overly concerned about the blood shed in that area !


However the Europeans settlers who have taken root in the area also happen to be Jewish converts !



The Khazaria empire did exist ( despite many people not prevy to that fact )


The empire gave rise to mass jewish converts who then eventually moved up through europe and Russia ,


Please do not give me the fairy tale story that ;


A mass migration of brown Jews came from the middle east , bread with the local Europeans , mixed and danced and hey presto we have European Jews !



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Agree isreal is the country for them now ,


I don't argue that point ,


And am usaly not overly concerned about the blood shed in that area !


However the Europeans settlers who have taken root in the area also happen to be Jewish converts !



The Khazaria empire did exist ( despite many people not prevy to that fact )


The empire gave rise to mass jewish converts who then eventually moved up through europe and Russia ,


Please do not give me the fairy tale story that ;


A mass migration of brown Jews came from the middle east , bread with the local Europeans , mixed and danced and hey presto we have European Jews !




I can't find anything to support your theory but I did find plenty that appears to disprove your theory, I posted some of the links. I still don’t see what difference it makes where they originated.

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It's funny how the vast Zionist media machine can mould the minds of people like calipo and baseman into thinking that there was a vast miggration of brown Jews from the middle east into Europe who then mixed with the locals !


It's funny how the Zionist machine attempts to change world history or to hide key facts such as


Ashkenazi Jews are converts to the faith, FACT


lol. This guy is just such a racist antisemite retard, it's beyond belief.


Why don't you ask yourself just why would millions of people want to convert to Judaism in Europe, at a time when Jews were being oppressed, sometimes even massacred, and denied any kind of rights at all? The pressure on Jews in Europe, was to convert FROM Judaism, to one form of Christianity or another. This is what Disraeli, and Karl Marx's father did, along with millions of others - although in practice, they often remained Jewish in spirit, if not in fact. If they hadn't converted, they wouldn't have been able to get any kind of status in society at all. Disraeli wouldn't have been able to get into politics. Until well into the 19th century, Jews were denied access to any of the professions in just about all the European countries.


as for the 'mixing with locals', Ashkenazim and well as Separdhim Jews in Europe hardly intermarried at all considering they were in Europe for a millenia and more - as modern genetic research has shown.

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Some Jews actually rose to high ranks in the Soviet herarchy but many, many more ended up in the Gulags.

The Russian attitude to Jews was shown in the movie "Defiance" if you ever saw it

The Holocausrt was the culmination of centuries of persecution all over Europe so it's not surprsing that after WW2 those who were lucky enough to survive wanted to get the hell away from Europe and find a land of their own or emigrate to North America where they were less discriminated against


The British empire decided long before ww2 to set up a Jewish homeland in the middle east ,

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lol. This guy is just such a racist antisemite retard, it's beyond belief.


Why don't you ask yourself just why would millions of people want to convert to Judaism in Europe, at a time when Jews were being oppressed, sometimes even massacred, and denied any kind of rights at all? The pressure on Jews in Europe, was to convert FROM Judaism, to one form of Christianity or another. This is what Disraeli, and Karl Marx's father did, along with millions of others - although in practice, they often remained Jewish in spirit, if not in fact. If they hadn't converted, they wouldn't have been able to get any kind of status in society at all. Disraeli wouldn't have been able to get into politics. Until well into the 19th century, Jews were denied access to any of the professions in just about all the European countries.


as for the 'mixing with locals', Ashkenazim and well as Separdhim Jews in Europe hardly intermarried at all considering they were in Europe for a millenia and more - as modern genetic research has shown.


The converts in were in the 8th century. plenty of time to now number in the millions.

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I can't find anything to support your theory but I did find plenty that appears to disprove your theory, I posted some of the links. I still don’t see what difference it makes where they originated.


It's not a Theroy andikay, it's world history ,




And as for your comment don't matter were they orginated from :


Can the millions of Muslims in china lay claim to Arabia ?


Can the Millions of Indian buddist lay claim to tibet ?


Were the western crusades waged by the French , English and Italians for jeruselum also the right for these people ?


As all the above were converts to the religion but yet none apart from the ashkenazi Europeans non lay claim to the land thier religion originated from !

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lol. This guy is just such a racist antisemite retard, it's beyond belief.


Why don't you ask yourself just why would millions of people want to convert to Judaism in Europe, at a time when Jews were being oppressed, sometimes even massacred, and denied any kind of rights at all? The pressure on Jews in Europe, was to convert FROM Judaism, to one form of Christianity or another. This is what Disraeli, and Karl Marx's father did, along with millions of others - although in practice, they often remained Jewish in spirit, if not in fact. If they hadn't converted, they wouldn't have been able to get any kind of status in society at all. Disraeli wouldn't have been able to get into politics. Until well into the 19th century, Jews were denied access to any of the professions in just about all the European countries.


as for the 'mixing with locals', Ashkenazim and well as Separdhim Jews in Europe hardly intermarried at all considering they were in Europe for a millenia and more - as modern genetic research has shown.



Tut tut , sorry I am a antisemtic because I don't follow your version of history !


Like I said I'm not too fussed about the mess in the middle east , and looking at it from a neutral point of view I stand by my point


Jewsish converts of Askenazi european ancestry dont belong in the deserts of the middle east !


Fair enough of middle eastern Jews or jews who have been displaced wish to "go back home " or what ever !

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