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Israel's blockade of Gaza is cracking

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It's not a Theroy andikay, it's world history ,




And as for your comment don't matter were they orginated from :


Can the millions of Muslims in china lay claim to Arabia ?


Can the Millions of Indian buddist lay claim to tibet ?


Were the western crusades waged by the French , English and Italians for jeruselum also the right for these people ?


As all the above were converts to the religion but yet none apart from the ashkenazi Europeans non lay claim to the land thier religion originated from !


World history is mostly theory, historians can theorise what happened over a 1000 years ago but they can never be 100% accurate, new evidence and discoveries can change world history.

Khazar Empire This site doesn't agree with your theory.


The 10th century Persian historian Ibn al-Faqih reported that "all the Khazars are Jews." Notwithstanding this statement, some scholars[21] believe that only the upper classes converted to Judaism; there is some support for this in contemporary Muslim texts.[22]


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Khazar King Joseph, in his Reply to Hasdai ibn-Shaprut (c. 955):


"After those days there arose from the sons of Bulan's sons a king, Obadiah by name. He was an upright and just man. He reorganized the kingdom and established the Jewish religion properly and correctly. He built synagogues and schools, brought in many Israelite sages, honored them with silver and gold, and they explained to him the 24 Books of the Bible, Mishnah, Talmud, and the order of prayers established by the Khazzans. He was a man who feared God and loved the law and the commandments."


which would suggest more than the elite converted


from this site


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it's not just him that comes up with the ludicrous 'Khazars converted became Ashkenazi' garbage. They never bother to explain how come Jews were turning up in western Europe in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, before the Khazar empire even existed. They all do it on the internet forums. They probably get it from some primer somewhere - maybe it circulates around mosques.

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the deserts of the Middle East. only 25% of Israel is desert, retard. Half of it, the weather is like here. Haifa actually gets more rainfall in a year than Sheffield does.


Hmmm calling me a retard and anti semetic !


However your bull excremate is shining through nicely !


Apparently Askenazi Jews are not converts and sunny isreal haifa is more wetter than sheffield !


Please do not use your pathetic lies with me !



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which would suggest more than the elite converted


from this site



This is a quote from your link.


Jews were able to flourish in Khazaria because of the tolerance of the Khazar rulers, who invited Byzantine and Persian Jewish refugees to settle in their country. Due to the influence of these refugees, the Khazars found the Jewish religion to be appealing and adopted Judaism in large numbers.

It would also suggest that they converted because of the large influx of Jews, running away from their homeland.

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Haifa does get more rain by volume in a year than Sheffield, it's just all concentrated in a few months of the year, and when it does rain, it rains heavily, and doesn't drizzle much.


One of the main reasons why I do not discuss the middle east issue is due to silly foolish comments and commentators ( see above quote )


The only thing drizzling Here is you friend !


Average rain fall : Sheffield - 132mm to 273mm per month




Average rain fall Haifa : 82mm



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This is a quote from your link.



It would also suggest that they converted because of the large influx of Jews, running away from their homeland.


I may be open to the idea that a mass migration of Jews from the middle east

Into Khazaria ,


But when did this influx take place , and how did the immigrants change the religion of khazarian empire ?

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