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Cross training for mma - who puts you forward?

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Reading about Billy Glossop's place - anyone know owt about that?


Supposed to be good.


Search for other threads on here, Pep's used to have a club in Hillsborough, Sheffield Shootfighters, but moved it down to Darnall, he has posted on here before.


Paul Powers does classes I think, some good lads, young McGovan looks a handful.


Forge does MMA classes as well as grappling/BJJ


I think Lotar who posts on here has some lads who enter Cage competitions?


I have been out of it for a long time, due to work, but would love to train again, just for the fitness aspect.

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I would recommend Lotar's place Kapapsheffield. Michael Gabbitas fights out of this gym, can be seen on Farad's shows. Excellent skills. In addition you have Raj Kushti Boy Rajan, who was pretty handy before his move down under. Lotar does the stand up and the BJJ. Good gym in my opinion.

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I've seen a lot of topics around here from individuals wanting to train and fight mma and this is what I've discoverd:


Train your ground game at the Forge

Best place to get good with stand-up is Wicker Camp...


Right, my question is:- if you did the above who'd actually put you in for a mma fight, surely the grapplers at the forge would have you in jujitsu competitions and the thaiboxers at the wicker would have you compete muaythai?


Anyone shed any light?


Wicker camp wouldn't put you in for an mma fight- they put people into Muay Thai fights. Muay Thai isn't 'stand-up' as such- it's a long established martial art/fighting sport with a similar status in Thailand as boxing has in the west.


It just so happens that it is very effective for stand-up/kickboxing competition, which is why so many mma fighters train in it.


Nevertheless, the wicker camp is focused entirely on teaching pure muay thai- while I'm sure many of the people who train there will also do mma and/or kickboxing, that will be off their own back- any competitions organised by wicker camp will be traditional muay thai.

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Rather than discussing it on a forum why not go and train at all these places mentioned above and see which you like the best.


Youve already said that you think Wicker for your Thai and Forge for your BJJ is a good set up. Then when your ready contact a promoter.


P.S There isnt a 'Cage Fighting' Circuit, its MMA - Mixed Martial Arts

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