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Death on the telly (BBC1 12/05/11)

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Give over with the flipping five year olds for crying out loud! It's not aimed at children and it's on at nine o' clock at night....


Maybe it's because mj.scuba was wondering whether to let his 5 year old child watch it?


Like everything after 9:00 I would watch it first, before deciding.


In reply to scousemouse, and the matter of filming this chap's death, it has been widely reported that he was more than happy to share his final moments.


I'm also reminded of one of the most moving documentaries I've ever seen, The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off, which opens with Jonny Kennedy himself saying "that's me in the box". The programme had me blubbing, but it was also very uplifting.

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Give over with the flipping five year olds for crying out loud! It's not aimed at children and it's on at nine o' clock at night....


Did you actually read the OP?


I totally understand what MJ's talking about, as I have a 5yr old. You can try and explain to them all you want about death (they certainly ask enough) but the reality of it will still elude them. As long as there's no violence/gore etc. involved, I can't see how it's going to be unsuitable for a child who really wants to know. As most have already said, it's a part of life that we all encounter.


I'd rather my son know about death through education than the shock and devastation of losing a loved one for the first time.

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when my gran died 5 years ago aged 96..it happened very late at night and i could not be there for her..i would have gladly held her hand if i could have.i think this programme could show people that there is no need to be scared of death..its part of life.


I held my mum's hand as she passed away. 12 years later I held my dad's hand as he passed away. Still not sure if I'd rather have been somewhere else at the time.

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My lad didn't watch it in the end. He'd have probably got bored 10 mins in with it being a documentary, and it's a school night too so he was already in bed.


I considered it because I can't believe some of the questions he asks, stuff you just don't expect five year old to come out with. Why do people die? What happens when you die? Do you die after a thousand years? What happens to you after? He gets stuff in his head and keeps asking 'till he's satisfied he understands. He's a bright lad.

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Apparently there is a program on BBC1 tonight which shows the moment an old man's life finally slips away. Just wondering what people's opinions are? Bit goulish? Interesting?


I'm wondering whether to let my five year old son watch it. You know how inquisitive they are at that age, especially since we had to go to a funeral a few feeks ago and he was asking where they were (the dead person), I think he thought a funeral was some sort of party for them and was expecting them to walk in, but I just had to say he was dead and he's in that wooden box at the front. I don't see the point in hiding stuff like this about death, it comes to us all and I've never taught him the nonsense about so-and-so's in heaven now once they've gone.


Mods I'd appreciate this being left in General Discussions as it's not really Entertainment as such. Cheers.


I do not think he should watch it. Being a nurse I have seen many people die, but this is not for children.

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It was amazing seeing his very last breath, I wondered if he was dreaming right to the end or whether his body had deteriorated so badly by then he had virtually no brain activity at all, upsetting to see though.

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It was amazing seeing his very last breath, I wondered if he was dreaming right to the end or whether his body had deteriorated so badly by then he had virtually no brain activity at all, upsetting to see though.


Your hearing is the last thing to go, so any noise in the room he would have been aware of.

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