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Palestine Refugees Revolution on MAY15

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Al Jazeera's news coverage is reasonably well balanced and their news reporters take risks. It's the op-eds they allow on their website, and which they take care to disclaim, that can be far out and get some people frothing at the mouth, including me. A lot of the op-eds belong on some propagandist outlet like electronicintifada.com but overall, Al Jazeera has been a decidely good thing.

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anyway, it's Shabbat - the Jewish day of rest. Unlike in the Arab world where the main protests take place after Friday prayers, you can be sure the main protests from the Arabs will take place today, even though the usual Nakba day is the 15th, the Sunday, and not the Saturday. Anything to **** off the Jews.

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Try telling that to the Dustbin (they'll take owt in) brigade.


IMO I don't think callippo needs your advice, and to be fair you do him a great injustice by advising him. You seem to have a battering ram mentality which you bring not only to this topic but all threads you enter with incessant references to 'camels', 'westernaphobia,' 'dustbins' 'Ali-******', as an intellectual point of debate. :hihi: I lean towards disagreeing with callippo but at the same time there are points which inform if not educate. You seem to be sticking to callippo like an Alabama tick feeding off his input as if it's somehow yours, and I'm not sure if you've noticed but he doesn't pat you on the back like a little puppy. It does seem he ignores you and I can sympathise why that could be very frustrating for you.


You on the other hand simply reduce a debate, no, I'll go one step further and say reduce all debates you enter. You produce very few facts, no, I'll push the boat out and say, zero facts. It's quite common for participants to get heated, almost to boiling point, but it's usually based around a subtle point of reference. There is nothing subtle about you, and I'll tell you for why. The vast majority here have a fierce dislike for something despite who, what and where their from. You on the other hand work in reverse. You work on the basis of pigmentation first then apply your stuff. I can't go any further than "stuff" i'm afraid because nothing you say has any validity. You're uncouth, but more so very dangerous.


Heated threads are fun, but to be honest you just don't have what it takes I'm afraid


Have a rest lad, go kick the dog or something.

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well, it's now the beginning of the usual Naqba day, 15th May - the day of the year Arabs usually demonstrate in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza. This year, because of the Arab spring, and because of the fortuitessness of the 15th happening to be on a Sunday (usually, they march on any day of the week) they basically decided to spread it out over three days, the Friday, Saturday, and the Sunday.


so far it's looking quite good. One lad has been killed in east Jerusalem and I don't remember hearing about anybody getting killed in any Naqba demo before, but that could have happened any day. Odd bit of violence. Nothing much.


seems like Hamas were looking to cause some trouble in Hebron, but it looks like the PA police nipped it in the bud pretty well without the IDF needing to get involved. After all it wouldn't have looked right good if they'd been at each other's throats so soon after their highly publicised 'reconciliation'.


of course what the international anti-Israel crowd wants, as always, is lots of Arab, and preferably Muslim (though if they're Christian, then pretend that they're Muslim) blood and bodies, so they can claim what a bloodthirsty lot of sub human fiends Jews are.


unfortunately for them, it looks like they're not going to get that.

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Callippo, everyone on this forum knows now that you are a full time dedicated Israeli promoter with alot of misleading info.


You intentionally avoided to mention that, there are around 7.2 million Palestinian refugees worldwide including those who are refugees in their own land ( imagine you are a British refugee in Britain) whom all will be involved in this "NAKBA Day" and demand rightfully, the refugees to be returned to their own land.Palestinian refugees from Lebanon, Egypt,Jordan and Syria will be on the borders of Israel,and not only those who live under occupation in Palestine as you were trying to hint.That is beside all Palestinians in Europe and around the world will be demonstrating outside Israeli Embassies ... so get your facts straight and this time the news from a jewish source you are very familiar with, so you don't claim i went to some fanatical website to get my info from :D







Israel's neighbors prepare 'Nakba Day' events


In Lebanon, 500 buses will shuttle Palestinians from refugee camps to border in order to protest on day of mourning marking Israel's founding. But in Israel, Arabs say 'Nakba bill' prevents them from joining protests.


Many residents of Arab countries in which anti-government protests abound have used social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to call for a third intifada on May 15, the Palestinian day of mourning over the establishment of Israel.


In Lebanon, 500 buses have been enlisted to shuttle Palestinians from refugee camps throughout the country to its southern border with the Jewish state. Al-Akhbar reported that protest organizers had increased their order by 200 buses due to the abundance of participants.


In Egypt, protesters will gather at a bridge known as the Friendship Bridge in Ismailia and head towards the Rafah crossing, which connects Egypt to Gaza. Others plan to leave for the crossing from Cairo. Some say they intend to cross into the Palestinian enclave, but it remains unclear whether Egyptian troops will allow this.



In Jordan, Facebook-organized protesters say their aim is to come as close to the West Bank as possible.


In Syria demonstrators hope to reach the Quneitra crossing to the Golan Heights.



MK Ahmed Tibi expressed his dismay at this. "It's time you learned about us and showed us empathy as fellow victims," he said Saturday.




"In 1948 ethnic cleansing took place in which 532 Palestinian villages were destroyed or wiped off the map and hundreds of thousands were expelled. Why do you refuse to teach your children about the Nakba and the Palestinian narrative? You are either afraid or ashamed."






'Days of blood and violence ahead'


East Jerusalem tensions near boiling point as participants in funeral of teen killed during 'Nakba Day' riot predict dark days.





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so far it's looking quite good. One lad has been killed in east Jerusalem and I don't remember hearing about anybody getting killed in any Naqba demo before, but that could have happened any day. Odd bit of violence. Nothing much.


If this "lad" was your own child would you say it's looking quite good,odd bit of violence ,nothing much.Or the Palestinian blood is so cheap to be wasted by Israel on every possible occasion.


Israeli forces have fired on groups of protesters at borders with the Palestinian territories, Syria and Lebanon.


Reports say that at least 12 people have died and dozens more have been injured.


Palestinians are marking the Nakba or Catastrophe, their term for the founding of the Israeli state in 1948.


Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were forced out of their homes in fighting after its creation.


Clashes have been taking place at four separate borders or crossing points - at Erez in Gaza, near Ramallah in the West Bank, on the Golan Heights and at the border with Lebanon.


The BBC's Jon Donnison, in the West Bank town of Ramallah, said this year's Nakba protests have been given impetus by the uprisings in countries across the Middle East and North Africa


Our correspondent, at the Qalandiya checkpoint there, says there is a stand-off now, but dozens of Palestinians have been injured.


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The more murderous and Nazi-like behaviour Israel engages in, the more chance of it's ostracism from the rest of the world.


Brutality and murder against civilians has always been the IDF's hallmark.

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