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Palestine Refugees Revolution on MAY15

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Arabs occupy many lands and make a right royal mass of administering them even with western financial aid. Isreal is the modern homeland of the jewish people. They defend their borders as any nation would with armed force. Pakistan have just fired upon UN forces flying near thats near their border????? One rule for Arabs and another for Jews me thinks. If people take their children to these border clashes then well I think you now what may happen.


LOL...you made me laugh there...


Who said Pakistan is an Arab country,do you know even whereabout is Pakistan?? are you sure you are not mixing Pakistan with Palestine because these are 2 different countries mate.:D

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The Palestinians never governed it, every man and their dog as governed it but never a race called the Palestinians, it was part of Jordan, which is only 90 years old. Up until 1967 the people of the west bank were Jordanian, the Israelis captured it and it was Israel that gave it to the Palestinians to govern. Same with Gaza it was part of Egypt, the people were Egyptian it was given to the Palestinians by Israel.


Before making a fool of yourself try to learn some historical facts.Palestine or Philistines exists even way before christ was born.Before Israel now days, the land was always Palestine, only when the Palestinians were uprooted from there land and it was occupied then the land was called state of Israel.So get your facts straight next time..:loopy:




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LOL...you made me laugh there...


Who said Pakistan is an arab country,do you know even wherabout is Pakistan?? are you sure you are not mixing Pakistan to Palestine because they are 2 different countries mate.:D


Two different places maybe because Palestine isn't a country.:)

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Before making a fool of yourself try to learn some historical facts.Palestine or Philistines exists even way before christ was born.Before Israel now days, the land was always Palestine, only when the Palestinians were uprooted from there land and it was occupied then the land was called state of Israel.So get your facts straight next time..:loopy:





You are correct when you say the Philistines existed before Christ but they didn't call the land Palestine.


Are you suggesting that Palestinians are Philistines? :hihi:

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You have sympathy because of the holocaust which europeans inflicted upon the jews but why are palestinians paying for it in land ? :huh:


Because the land was given to the Jews by God and you can't get an higher endorsement than that. The Romans took the land away from the Jews and gave it to the Arabs. The land was given back to the Jews in 1948 and muslims were also given their own states in Northern India. Egypt and Syria tried taking the land from the Jews in the 1960s and came a cropper.


Sure Israel is backed by the US but why not? The Arabs are backed by Russia and China (Commies). I don't see what you're driving at, suppose the land was given to the Arabs and the Jews wanted it back, what you say then?

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You are correct when you say the Philistines existed before Christ but they didn't call the land Palestine.:hihi:

If they're as good at spelling as they are at running their lands then no wonder they misspelt it Palestine instead of Philistine.:hihi::hihi:



Are you suggesting that Palestinians are Philistines?

Sounds about right to me.:hihi::hihi:

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When Palestine reclaimed the west Bank it was irrigated and green. worked by the Israelis, now the desert has reclaimed it ,maybe its something to do with not wishing to work for their land but would sooner cause violent disruptions to claim more.


If the Palestinians put as much effort into making something of themselves as they do rioting maybe the Israelis (GCP) would show them some respect.


The truth is that their terrorist leaders would then lose control so these leaders religious and terrorist keep stoking the fire.

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Sure Israel is backed by the US but why not? The Arabs are backed by Russia and China (Commies). I don't see what you're driving at, suppose the land was given to the Arabs and the Jews wanted it back, what you say then?


I've said several times tiny Israel could not accommodate the massive amount of war supplies that the Soviets and Chinese supplied to the Arab states but we know what the Arabs are like when it comes to the real fight.


And as Churchill said "It's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog"

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If the Palestinians put as much effort into making something of themselves as they do rioting maybe the Israelis (GCP) would show them some respect.


The truth is that their terrorist leaders would then lose control so these leaders religious and terrorist keep stoking the fire.

True,firing home made rockets from the cover of school yards seems to be the wrong way to earn respect,and to then moan when the Israelis retaliate and seek sympathy because their fire power is greater..amazing.we must tell our Police that when an unarmed mob start playing up over here they must put their riot sticks down so as to ensure fair play.

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