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Chinese/Japanese people, the least offensive races. ?

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I find it a bit dishonest, some people from the far east can be reluctant to disagree with anybody about anything, which can cause more problems than people speaking their mind. They seem to prefer to ignore problems, rather than solve them before they become bigger problems.


I wouldn't really know about that as i've never had any close "oriental" friends so only had interaction as in my OP.


I know there are bad uns, as with every race but i've not experienced this, in 41 years living in Sheffield.

I also never felt intimidated by a group of "orientals" (i hate that word) no matter where or what time of day.

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I once had a close oriental (Korean) friend, it went badly, due to her extreme unwillingness to cause any minor offence or express any kind of disagreement. She'd always say everything was fine, when it wasn't at all. She was very two-faced, she'd say a lot of offensive stuff to me about other people that I didn't even know, but never anything to their faces.


Also, it's not a race issue, it's a cultural issue. I find that people from oriental races who were brought up in this country behave much like any other English person.

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There's bad and good in all cultures. What are the crime rates for oriental people compared to others?


I'm not sure about in this country, but I suspect that a lot of the organised crime in the far east goes unreported & the culture is partly to blame for allowing it to flourish.


They don't have anything like the amount of petty crime that we have here though, car crime etc is much lower.


You're right about good & bad in all cultures. Oriental politeness might seem good at first, but if you're trying to make friends with somebody then it gets in the way a lot.


Maybe I'm generalising too much from my experiences with one particularly weird woman, but it did seem like there was quite a big cultural difference.

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I once had a close oriental (Korean) friend, it went badly, due to her extreme unwillingness to cause any minor offence or express any kind of disagreement. She'd always say everything was fine, when it wasn't at all.


Also, it's not a race issue, it's a cultural issue. I find that people from oriental races who were brought up in this country behave much like any other English person.


Interesting insight.

I do meet quite a few "orientals" (arghhh, isn't there a better way of describing them ?) due to my hobby, and the guided tours i do each summer, and usually they have one person (a spokesman ?) asking the questions and translating, very politely, almost submissive you could say, they don't question anything usually, though i'm not sure if that's due to their inquisitiveness and a want to move to the next site, to take yet more photographs (the tours i do are very conducive to photography).


I took a party of 30 last year on a 7 mile walk, i warned them to stock up on water and food as it was over moorland in sweltering heat, and though you could see a few of them were suffering i got nothing but thanks at the end of the walk.


Given the choice i'd take their party again over any other "race".


Edit: I'm not the least racist, but i love my hobby and my tours and these people seem to appreciate it over the other people i've guided.

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She did seem to like seeing the sheep & the green landscape, they don't have sheep or moorland apparently. A lot of the animals are different here, she even had to ask what a mallard was, hadn't ever seen Canada geese & was confused by long haired highland bulls. The lack of questions is maybe because you're treated as an authority figure, they don't seem to like questioning authority.


I used to like taking her out into the country, it's a very different landscape to Japan & Korea & she did seem to genuinely appreciate it. It was great to take her out in the countryside & it helped me to appreciate what we have here even more too. I can understand where you're coming from, I'd love to take groups of Japanese tourists out to the Peak District, but I think that's just down to it being so different from what they're used to, rather than anything to do with culture or race. I'd enjoy a trip out to the far east for similar reasons. The cultural differences seem to make it harder for me to become close friends with them.

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Thanks again for the personal insight.

My tours take in ancients sites and you get the inquisitive new age traveler/hippy types tagging on which lead one "oriental" guy, a young un, wanting to spend the night in their company upon the moors, this was very quickly put down by the rest of the group, for safety reasons i gathered later.

No harm would have come to him and i assured the group, i also told them he would have the experience of a lifetime, without alcohol or drugs, that were free flowing i admit.

They are very conservative in my experience, but mostly very well educated, shame they can't "drop out" for the night though, it seems beyond their understanding, not that i'm knocking them for that, maybe it's retains the good i see in them.


Edit: Btw, as in my op i have no personal experience of "oriental" people, so please excuse any perceived stereotype on my part, just trying to gain an insight.

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An observation i've made over many years now.

I've come across most nationalities living in Sheffield all my life, and had "run ins" with most, bar Japanese and Chinese people, whether this be on the road, in the supermarket or on the street.


What is it about them that is so damn inoffensive. ?


I've yet to meet a single one that has caused me any inconvenience at all.


What lovely people, shame we aren't all of the same mindset, whatever that is.

There will be many old soldiers stood or in wheel chairs at the cenotaph in Nov who will have lots of thoughts about the Japanese.

Lots of the older Chinese people will have similar thoughts.

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