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Chinese/Japanese people, the least offensive races. ?

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There will be many old soldiers stood or in wheel chairs at the cenotaph in Nov who will have lots of thoughts about the Japanese.

Lots of the older Chinese people will have similar thoughts.


Yes, I don't think the POWs on the Burma railway will have much praise for the Japanese as a lovely people. They can be just as callous, evil and vicious as everybody else, and if you don't believe that, just Google Unit 731.

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She did seem to like seeing the sheep & the green landscape, they don't have sheep or moorland apparently.


maybe ask her where she's from? Ethnic Chinese people don't just come from China. If they're from tropical Malaysia/Indonesia/Singapore or any one of the other south east Asian countries where the Chinese minorities dominate the business class (and thereforethe likeliest to be able afford expensive foreign educations), they'll never have seen a sheep. Sheep farming doesn't happen in tropical climates. But China itself has more sheep than any other country in the world, by far.

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I find it a bit dishonest, some people from the far east can be reluctant to disagree with anybody about anything, which can cause more problems than people speaking their mind.


it's the Oriental concept of 'face'. You have to accept that this is the way it is in the East, and that the open, confrontational style, some (like you) might say the more 'honest' way of the West will not go down well at all. Importance of saving face is not confined to Chinese or Japanese oriental people only, but the whole lot of them.

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My grandparents HATED Germans and Japanese people. I have always found both Japanese and Chinese to be very friendly and polite but have met more Japanese people than chinese. I got on with one young lad so well I was invited to go and stay with him and his family and train but stupidly I declined. Shame really. Did you know the average Chinese IQ is 4 points ahead of the UK?

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An observation i've made over many years now.

I've come across most nationalities living in Sheffield all my life, and had "run ins" with most, bar Japanese and Chinese people, whether this be on the road, in the supermarket or on the street.


What is it about them that is so damn inoffensive. ?


I've yet to meet a single one that has caused me any inconvenience at all.


What lovely people, shame we aren't all of the same mindset, whatever that is.


You mean that saw you coming and avoided you.How offensive do you rate yourself?I would award you full marks for this ridiculoius piece of prejudicial writing!

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Yeah, but let's not forget that they can be utter ******** too. You can't ignore that there are vicious oriental gangsters, that the Chinese communists committed genocide on their own people and that the Japanese invaded the rest of Asia in WW2.


But I still agree with you that oriental people are generally polite and friendly in person.


Thats politicians not the general populace.If genocide had occurred then China would not be the most populous nation!!!!!:confused::loopy::huh:

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there's a lot more mainland Chinese in Sheffield than there used to be, at Uni. Even about seven years ago, by far the most Chinese students in Sheffield were were mostly Malaysians, Indonesians, and Singaporeans. Sheffield Uni had, and probably still has for all I know, a massive recruitment drive in Malaysia. I've seen the big half page ads for Sheffield Uni in the Malaysian press myself. It really started to kick off after 9/11, when all the well-off Chinese from the south east Asian countries - especially those with a Muslim majority like M'Asia and I'donesia - suddenly found it difficult to get student visas for the United States, which they had before. The USA's loss was Europe's gain. Compared to Chinese there still isn't that many Japanese and Koreans here. It's very easy to tell north east Asians like Mongolians, Japanese and Koreans apart from Han Chinese just by looking at them, and there's really very few here.

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