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Middle Lane Drivers..WHY FOR GODS SAKE?

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I never see the point of going in the outside lane unless the road ahead is very clear. It's too easy to get stuck, hemmed in between lorries and then you have to move into the middle lane at any junction in case vehicles are joining from the slip road


The two outside lanes are for lorries, the two inner lanes are for cars. It works best that way so long as the cars are doing 70-80mph when possible.

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I am wrong and you are both right, I assume these signs wont apply to either of you so I don’t even know why I am posting yet another link.


Happy motoring and good night.


I did say earlier Malk that the matrix does show this sign. To me, that is an acknowledgment by the authorities that there is a problem, but they are powerless to do anything about it, other than to point it out to drivers that you shouldnt do it. I hate having a war of words with anyone, as I think we might be singing from the same hymn sheet, just a bit cross-wired. Have a good evening buddy, and keep on truckin" !!:)

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I am wrong and you are both right, I assume these signs wont apply to either of you so I don’t even know why I am posting yet another link.


Happy motoring and good night.

Yes and goodnight I'm off to bed I'm up in the morning driving my truck dodging the hogs:)
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  • 1 year later...

I couldn`t help myself from reading some of this thread when it came up on a Google search, that`s always a big mistake because you feel you have to respond. Lets` face it, whether you`re a "middle lane hogger" or not must surely depend on the speed you`re driving at ?

Bearing in mind that every time you change lanes on any road (but particularly a motorway with other vehicles going anywhere between 50mph and 100mph+) you are taking a small risk, so surely, within reason, one should try to limit how often one changes lanes.



In the middle lane at 50mph = Dangerous ?

In the middle lane at 60mph = Discourteous ?

In the middle lane at 70mph = Irrelevant ? (because, by definition, anyone passing you is exceeding the speed limit and therefore breaking the law......)


Obviously I`m not saying that drivers should sit permanently in the middle lane, but it`s a balancing act between limiting lane changing and returning to the inside lane, which usually has the slowest moving vehicles in it.


I can`t wait to see how quickly someone comes on here selectively quoting the Highway Code, so I`ll do it for them :

264 You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear (my italics).

261 You MUST NOT exceed 70 mph, or the maximum speed limit permitted for your vehicle.


should / should not = "advisory wording"

MUST / MUST NOT = "if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence"


So these prats who come up your rear end flashing you when you are actually doing the speed limit want to take the plank out of their own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone else's.

And anyway, if those drivers who are arrogant enough to think they`re above law want to break it (sorry, overtake) why don`t they just go past in the outside lane ? Is that too difficult for them ?

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Personally I've never been flashed doing 70 in the middle lane.

but I would agree that doing 50 in the middle lane is dangerous, like you said changing lanes is a (small) hazard.


So if a person hogs the middle lane at 50, they force everyone on the motorway to take that risk to overtake them, the busier the motorway becomes the more hazardous it gets for everyone else.

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Hmm reminds me of Xmas day driving north early morning, we are sat in left lane doing 70 with some fella in a rover sat in middle lane, he was there for at least 45 minutes (I wasn't driving) at varying speeds between 50 and 90, going up and down, we'd catch up, he'd accelerate. There was literally us two on the road for miles as ofc it was christmas day (apart from people going a lot quicker and disappearing). Oh got fed up and zipped to the right hand lane, then zipped back to left in front of him, which must have brought him out of auto pilot and he moved behind us... No excuse for road being quiet, no one coming on off slip roads... Couple of other people going a lot quicker than us (maybe 90) had come up behind him, had to slow down and then zip into right hand lane, still he didn't notice...

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I couldn`t help myself from reading some of this thread when it came up on a Google search, that`s always a big mistake because you feel you have to respond. Lets` face it, whether you`re a "middle lane hogger" or not must surely depend on the speed you`re driving at ?

Bearing in mind that every time you change lanes on any road (but particularly a motorway with other vehicles going anywhere between 50mph and 100mph+) you are taking a small risk, so surely, within reason, one should try to limit how often one changes lanes.



In the middle lane at 50mph = Dangerous ?

In the middle lane at 60mph = Discourteous ?

In the middle lane at 70mph = Irrelevant ? (because, by definition, anyone passing you is exceeding the speed limit and therefore breaking the law......)


Obviously I`m not saying that drivers should sit permanently in the middle lane, but it`s a balancing act between limiting lane changing and returning to the inside lane, which usually has the slowest moving vehicles in it.


I can`t wait to see how quickly someone comes on here selectively quoting the Highway Code, so I`ll do it for them :

264 You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear (my italics).

261 You MUST NOT exceed 70 mph, or the maximum speed limit permitted for your vehicle.


should / should not = "advisory wording"

MUST / MUST NOT = "if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence"


So these prats who come up your rear end flashing you when you are actually doing the speed limit want to take the plank out of their own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone else's.

And anyway, if those drivers who are arrogant enough to think they`re above law want to break it (sorry, overtake) why don`t they just go past in the outside lane ? Is that too difficult for them ?


So do you stay in the middle lane "just because"?

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So these prats who come up your rear end flashing you when you are actually doing the speed limit want to take the plank out of their own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone else's.


Its the old two-wrongs-making-a-right argument.


They shouldn't be going faster than 70mph.


But if they're flashing perhaps they think you should be in the left lane if there's a gap. They wouldn't be flashing otherwise would they?

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