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The IKEA in Sheffield thread

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The jobs that it would create would be of great benefit to Sheffield as the number of people you see on the Leeds Ikea shop floor on an average Sunday gives a fair indication of the number of people required to fully staff it for a week!


Economics aside, I also love Swedish Apple Cake and would love to not have to queue for parking at Leeds for half my lifetime just to get to the cafe to have some :hihi:

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Originally posted by jossyboy

I work at the IKEA in leeds and live in sheffield so I'm hoping they build a store for purley selfish reasons namely that I wont have to spend a fortune on diesel going to and fro five days per week.


If you don't mind me asking, how many members of staff does the store have?

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Originally posted by Captain_Scarlet

Well you see, we tend to have taste in Sheffield... Hence there is still no Ikea store in Sheffield.

No, I have fantastic taste and I nip off to the nearest Ikea on a fairly regular basis. Which is what I imagine those with equally superb taste in Sheffield do.

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Originally posted by Mathom

'twas merely some light sarcasm. hence the '.............'


I think it has been insinuated that those who shop at IKEA are not fully commensurate with the requirements of 'taste' and hence a branch of the store would not bring in the 'right kind of people' to Sheffield. I beg to differ, and so would a lot of other people, both 'common' and 'posh' and otherwise.


Surely bringing in people, posh or otherwise is the goal? I'm at a loss to think of any shops, posh or otherwise, that bring people to Sheffield like the designer stores in Leeds and Manc.

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Originally posted by rinty

Too true. I've driven past loads of houses with these tasteful people living inside over Christmas and they all have lovely tasteful lights outside that you can buy from B&Q.


Those nasty, style free Ikea shops don't have anything tasteful in at all like that.


;) <- Just in case you don't get it.

Good call ;) But think about it, cheap swedish pine cr#p ;)
Originally posted by DaBouncer

I personally think the Centertainment area has some decent space to put an IKEA.

Club WOW is sat empty as is that whole block now Brannigans has shut down... that place could certainly be refitted and turned into an IKEA.


With ample parking space too AND being close to meadowhell, M1 etc it's certainly a prime location in my opinion.

There's not enough parking at Centertainement ! The meer showing of a premiere film and the entire area is full. Putting Ikea in Branigans: yes, but you need to triple the parking to 1/ manage the amount of cars that are CURRENTLY using the parking, and 2/ cope with the added traffic.
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sorry nick but im with the others the fact i have only seen the book and havent got a car so i cant get to the stores,so i would love the option to go to a ikea in a retail park in sheffield,also am sure their are loads of people who would love to shop at harv nicks etc but theres a slight problem, their not as rich as you,with families to suport,low paid jobs,etc.an the jobs it will create is always good for sheffield,so whether u you like it or not arnt we aloud a choice any more or has every one in sheffield on £50.000 a year with money to burn,i think not

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too right trudge a lot of people write IKEA off as cheap and nasty as you dont have to spend hundreds to get a decent bit of furniture. I've got lots of IKEA stuff in my house and its by far the sturdiest and best bits of furniture I have compared to my wardrobe and drawers I got from Argos which are already falling to pieces after a year, do you actually own any IKEA furniture captain_scarlet? or do you prefer to spend thousands at john lewis et al?


actually after re-reading your post you obviously never been to an IKEA as youd be hard pushed to find anything made of pine that went out with the ark, get with the times man!

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Originally posted by algy

According to this week's Telegraph, Sheffield isn't currently on the list, but the Planning Dept would like it to be, as part of the new Retail Quarter.


Thanks algy, - problem solved I think. The new retail quarter is ten years away, - time enough for the council and IKEA to bury the hatchet ;)

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