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The IKEA in Sheffield thread

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I couldnt agree more Yorkiepud, i was gutted to read the news that they will not be coming, I love this city but as i said in another discussion and got slated for, we need to move with the times otherwise many of us do go out of town to spend our hard earned cash.


someone mentioned DFS, thats fine but to ge to see their full range you have to go all the way to darley dale as I did last weekend.


John Lewis are a joke, and I speak from experience. they are like "are you being served" ! :0


I worked in the city centre for a long time and loved it , but then after Meadowhall it went on an instant decline, unlike many other cities who have had other massive shopping centres built.


I really hope the future of the city centre is going to be to catch up with the other major cities.

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Originally posted by yorkiepudd


They will give permission for a so called 'retail park' a mile down the road next to the Gala bingo (although how a Matalan, Brantano and a Carphone Warehouse make it a retail park is beyond me)


I think that is the crappiest retail park around! I thought the one on Queens Road was pretty poor but this tops it!


It's certainly bad news for Sheffield that an Ikea isn't being built. Love them or hate them, they bring in some serious tourists who make use of the area's other facillities when they visit.


The council need to look at which would attract more visitors - Ikea or an out-of-date department store which has done nothing to encourage visitors to come to Sheffield.

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I think that Crystal Peaks is running that a close second though.


There has never been a day when all the shops in Peaks itself have all been let, but then they go and build a new "retail park" on the overspill car park... even though that the Drakehouse Retail Park has never been fully let since Scottish Power shut down.


And who has taken units so far....


err, Carphone Warehouse (yep, yet another), Pizza Hut (another fast food outlet) and T.K.Maxx (overpriced end of line clothing) and , yep, more empty units.


So, they can have permission to build more retail units without any evidence to prove they are needed (if they were then all the other units would already have been let) but yet a real crowd puller like Ikea is given the two finger treatment... that sucks big time.

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I too can't believe that the council won't let a decent and moderately trendy firm like Ikea open a store here. They come up with all sorts of objections like traffic problems and competition with the city centre, but when someone announces a big new casino everyone throws up their hands in glee and says it will save the entire region etc. Personally I know which one I'd rather have but maybe Sheffield council know their target audience better than I do. Cool and sophisticated vs. tacky and cheap... the answer's obvious. So it looks as though we'll still all be going to Nottingham and Leeds then.

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Some people blame Meadowhall for killing our city centre. Meadowhall didn't help, but the people who are really responsible for the state of our city centre are Sheffield City Council.


Traffic problems on the Parkway? Simple solution - build a bigger road.

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Originally posted by Andy

Traffic problems on the Parkway? Simple solution - build a bigger road.


It should be a 3 lane motorway, similar to Mancuinan Way or M621. I doubt Parkway can be extended tho? too much on the sides to allow for expansion?

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Originally posted by Andy

Some people blame Meadowhall for killing our city centre. Meadowhall didn't help, but the people who are really responsible for the state of our city centre are Sheffield City Council.


Definetly. The Trafford Centre hasn't affected Manchester's city centre shops in any way. Sheffield city centre has very little appeal.


A snub for Ikea is just going to put off other shops from coming to Sheffield and they'll just go to Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester instead.

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PLEASE make the bridge under the last junction wide enough for dual carriageway! Three lanes would be good but really only needed at commute times.


How one shop can blackmail the council is beyond me - but then how many people will the new Coles employ?


If it's anything like the Manchester one then it will also pull people into the area as well. But no reason why both couldn't be built - nothing wrong with healthy competition.

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I really don't understand why John Lewis would object to an Ikea store in Sheffield. Ikea is not in competition with them. Their customer base is completely different. If you're looking for well made reasonalby priced flat pack furniture you don't go to John Lewis.

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