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Rally in favour of Government cuts

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Both out of touch and offensive. Maybe they'd like to take their argument to the pensioner who has just had her meals on wheels cut, or the school who've lost their crossing patrol or the parent of a disabled child denied respite care or the policeman/soldier/dwp worker out of a job.


Obviously too busy buying stupid stripy shirts to care about real people.


Out of touch? Offensive? So its alright for thousands of lefty great unwashed to have their protest against the cuts but a few right wings who want to have their say are suddenly classed as Offensive!


The right to protest works both ways.


As for your examples. I would quite happily advise the pensioner who has had their meals on wheels cuts on the alternative suppliers they can use. I have a disabled relative and respite care is still avaliable last time I looked and I would definately happily advise the ex civil servant who has lost their job about how to find another one. Its not hard if you put the effort in. You can do it on the internet and everything these days.


Not everyone who supports the cuts is a rich fat cat tory. I was made redundant from a public funded job but I got on with it. It was a choice between losing the whole service or redundancies to excess baggage from the staff. I was one of them. I worked hard searching the agencies and jobsites and got another one...... magically, life managed to continue....

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Has anyone heard of a word called "balance". If its all left wing, or all right wing....it wont work. We need balanced cuts, balanced taxes, and balanced spending.....

Ooh finally a balanced view, i was just giving up hope of finding one.

Screw the left and screw the right

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Out of touch? Offensive? So its alright for thousands of lefty great unwashed to have their protest against the cuts but a few right wings who want to have their say are suddenly classed as Offensive!


The right to protest works both ways.


As for your examples. I would quite happily advise the pensioner who has had their meals on wheels cuts on the alternative suppliers they can use. I have a disabled relative and respite care is still avaliable last time I looked and I would definately happily advise the ex civil servant who has lost their job about how to find another one. Its not hard if you put the effort in. You can do it on the internet and everything these days.


Not everyone who supports the cuts is a rich fat cat tory. I was made redundant from a public funded job but I got on with it. It was a choice between losing the whole service or redundancies to excess baggage from the staff. I was one of them. I worked hard searching the agencies and jobsites and got another one...... magically, life managed to continue....


I agree I’m not rich and support the cuts and would support more cuts, my kids work and support the cuts, and they don’t think they should pay tax so that the unemployed can afford a house, something they can’t afford.

Councils and government are making cuts yet RMBC can still waste money moving a 30mph sign, 30 meters down the road, the sign had been in the previous location for as long as I can remember, over 20 years. Its new location makes absolutely no sense. That’s one on thousands of things that could have been cut, but councils prefer to cut the things that are headline grabbing.

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It's all about ego massaging....


The extreme right have Muslims, benefits and immigrants, whilst the extreme lefties have Global Warming, cigarette smokers and BME worshipping, it provides both self-righteous herds with endless dosages of hysteria, superiority, outrage, fear, doom and point scoring.

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Out of touch? Offensive? So its alright for thousands of lefty great unwashed to have their protest against the cuts but a few right wings who want to have their say are suddenly classed as Offensive!



You've just proved my point.

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