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Gremlin Graphics? Where are they now?


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No, I am just a big Actua Soccer fan, and I have got the permission from Mr Ian Stewart because I wont do anything else then improve the game and keep the source code to myself.


Richard Stevenson do work as manager/trainer to a team in Sheffield Football club. Both Sie Barlow and Julian "Joolz" Gardner have contacted him after he cut the contact with me.. He has told them both to give me what he got, but nothing has happened... I know Rich also got most source codes to the other game he worked on back in thos days. He had a massive load of backups! Although if he refuses to give out his stuff there is nothing we can do...


Rich and I had contact for three years, but shortly after he finished the search in November 2011 through all backups for me (to find Actua Soccer) he suddenly ignored me! Probably because it was a lot of work (which I do understand) and he lost the interest after the search...


I got an article in hand, which I have finished this month. If you like to get it just PM me your email. ;)


The things I like to add for the game is gather in a document as well, but I wrote that many many years ago. (There are many errors in the language as I was quite young when I did it)


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 21:40 ----------


Dear "Grappler",


Your PM is full!


Thanks for your reply in the thread. ;)


I hope you might be able to help me in the search for the source code.


Please contact me ;)


- Thomas -


---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 23:41 ----------


The last thing I heard, Ade Carless was living in Canada.


I know all the other companies just published locally.


Richard Stevenson is not in the games industry anymore, but I think I know how to get in touch with him.


I take it your interest in the code is commercial/business?


Hi Grappler,


Please contact me regarding contacting Rich.


I will try to visit Sheffield this summer. Sie Barlow will help me out. ;)




- Thomas -

Edited by ThomasAa
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  • 4 weeks later...

Now I have seeked information for a very long time!

I think the details would be too complicated and only for special interested.

The codes for ALL Gremlin Interactive games suddenly went lost when Infogrames Studio closed in 2003. It means that all source codes of a historical company in the computer game history are all gone... Only the programmers which kept private copies would have access.

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One of best game companies in the 80s were 'Ultimate Play the Game'.


Anyone remember Sabre Wolf, Attic Attac, Gunfright, Alien 8, knight lore Lunar Jetman, JetPac. Underwurlde. Classics.


Monty on the Run on the C64. I loved that game especially the music. Fandabidosi

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Monty Mole was from Sheffield? Never knew that, still it explains a lot about the original game plot.




Monty Mole was a real person who they named a character after. Wow never new that. I used to love their games Jack the Nipper, Monty Mole brilliant programmers for thier time. They were up there with the Codemaster Bros.

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I remember Gremlin! Never realised they were from Sheffield, who'd have thought! If I am not mistaken Gremlin published the early Championship Manager games in the Netherlands, in some discount series... I still have the discs somewhere in the attic.

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  • 10 months later...
Hey all,


I know this is a long-shot but does anyone know the where-abouts of any ex Gremlin Graphics games programmers? I'm mainly looking for Peter Harrap who designed and programmed the 'Monty Mole' series on the Spectrum...


An old thread, but I dunno if the OP ever got a response.


Pete Harrap did a brief stint on iPad apps, I believe he did the old Bitmap Brothers game "Z" for iPad, and now works at Sumo Digital.

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Please look at my message to you ;)


I can't send you a PM back, as I need a certan amount of posts to be able to send private messages. I added you on facebook, though. (Hoping that I added the right person.)

Edited by Hallfiry
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My first rejection letter was from Gremlin.


Back in the mid 80's I was getting into computer graphics and did some loading screens to try to get some work from various games companies. (Games took so long to load you needed a pretty screen to look at while loading).


I drew a Monty On The Run loading screen based off the game adverts (this was before release) and sent it off to Gremlin with some of my other artwork asking if they needed any graphics doing.


I got a standard rejection letter back thanking me for sending in my 'game' and saying that it didn't meet their standards. I was disappointed to say the least.


However when the game was released my loading screen was (in my opinion) better than theirs!


Still I got some work with other companies shortly after that, so the effort wasn't wasted - it became part of my portfolio.

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