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Gremlin Graphics? Where are they now?


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Hi it's a little off topic but my son who is 13 (and is autistic/aspergers) is learning coding at school. He has allways been into computers and programing and he is a real wizz with all this stuff. He loves all the old retro consoles and PC'S and he has quite alot of them. We feel that he needs someone or some sort of club to take him under there wing for him to reach his full potential as we are not that technology savvy. He want's to go into this for a living and us as parent's dont know what path he should take. So advice would be gladly appreciated. Thanks

Edited by jon&emma
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Pete Harrap did a brief stint on iPad apps, I believe he did the old Bitmap Brothers game "Z" for iPad, and now works at Sumo Digital.


That may have been in conjunction with ex-Krysalis boss, Tony Kavanagh I think. I thought TickTock games did the port of Z to iPad though?


Also, there was a Gremlin re-union at the walkabout on Carver street, last year after the games expo thing at Magna in Rotherham. Am sure Peter was there, along with loads of other old game dev types.


Also, pet gripe, it's source code, not source codes!! :)

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Hi it's a little off topic but my son who is 13 (and is autistic/aspergers) is learning coding at school. He has allways been into computers and programing and he is a real wizz with all this stuff. He loves all the old retro consoles and PC'S and he has quite alot of them. We feel that he needs someone or some sort of club to take him under there wing for him to reach his full potential as we are not that technology savvy. He want's to go into this for a living and us as parent's dont know what path he should take. So advice would be gladly appreciated. Thanks


He might find some of the Games Britannia events in June of interest. It's a family-friendly gaming festival in Sheffield with an educational/vocational element. There'll be plenty of people from local games companies on hand who I'm sure would be able to offer some useful advice.

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  • 4 months later...

Can somebody get me in contact with illustrator Alan Batson?


I am doing research for the vintage Gremlin Interactive game "HeroQuest II". Since there are some former employees of Gremlin in this (very old) thread, I might just ask my question here. Alan Batson is in the credits of the computer game Legacy of Sorasil as the cover artist. I wish to interview him if possible.

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I remember Gremlin! Never realised they were from Sheffield, who'd have thought! If I am not mistaken Gremlin published the early Championship Manager games in the Netherlands, in some discount series... I still have the discs somewhere in the attic.

yeah carver street, just off division street

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can somebody get me in contact with illustrator Alan Batson?


I am doing research for the vintage Gremlin Interactive game "HeroQuest II". Since there are some former employees of Gremlin in this (very old) thread, I might just ask my question here. Alan Batson is in the credits of the computer game Legacy of Sorasil as the cover artist. I wish to interview him if possible.


If you have more info, then contact me by email here: info at toco dot be



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I remember Gremlin! Never realised they were from Sheffield, who'd have thought! If I am not mistaken Gremlin published the early Championship Manager games in the Netherlands, in some discount series... I still have the discs somewhere in the attic.


Premier Manager was Gremlin, Championshiip Manager was Eidos I think. Actua Soccer was Gremlin too. They did lots of amazing games for the 8bit systems, spectrum, c64, etc.


Awesome music in a lot of their games too, from Ben Daglish, Ron Hubbard, etc


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  • 6 months later...
I used to know a lad called Chris Kerry who was with Gremlin from the start. I believe that he invented and programmed quite a few games for them but his most recognisable one by far must be Dig Dug....


I am still in touch with Chris Kerry. He coded Jack and the Beanstalk for Thor and the sequel before joining Gremlin. While at Gremlin he worked on Monty is Innocent as well as various other titles.


I also attended the same secondary school as Chris, although we never crossed paths there.


---------- Post added 20-05-2015 at 12:36 ----------


yeah carver street, just off division street


Correct, before moving to offices next to the Washington Pub in town. The building was pulled down a few years after and replaced by student accommodation.

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