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Would You Vote For The BNP If The Leader Was Gay Or Black?

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Can you not answer JFKvsNixon's perfectly reasonable question?

Clearly not - at least not without admitting that the Nazis were crap.


Smear the BNP? Isn't that a contradiction in terms? They're turd already.


He can't answer his own question so how does he or you expect anyone else to answer it?


I'm more than happy with what the BNP have achieved or been part of if you prefer.

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OK so our history isn't perfect. However we have led the world in so many fields and have contributed to the evolution of the world for the better we can't focus on a few bad times.


Imagine the world if Europe had never established itself?


Europe established itself from knowledge they stole from the Arabs during Christian invasions of the Middle East.

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How can I provide hard facts on speculation and opinion? Seriously?


You can't but you want us to believe your opinions and speculation hold more weight. Deluded or what?



Also what emotion, apart from the pity I have for you, have I used?


Your whole stance is based on emotion.



You are very odd, as I've never even mentioned the BNP.


Your posting on a thread related to the BNP


It also says a lot that you believe that the opinion that life would be an extremely undesirable miserable life under Nazi rule as a ridiculous opinion


All I have ever done is point out that Communism for example has a far worse track record and people like you come along with your ridiculous opinons trying to make out with your imaginations and your speculation that they weren't that bad after all.


You obviously prefer one murderous regime over another, can't you get that into your pin sized head?



Lol a fraud, you're just weird.


Not as weird as you that's for sure. Arguing who has the better track record when it comes to genocide is definately off the scale.

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He can't answer his own question so how does he or you expect anyone else to answer it?


I'm more than happy with what the BNP have achieved or been part of if you prefer.


Enlighten us then - what have the BNP achieved?

What have they been part of?

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