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Would You Vote For The BNP If The Leader Was Gay Or Black?

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Yes, I was gay because it was the fashion. All my friends were gay and we had a great time together. Though we did feel a little awkward when fashion changed and break dancing took gay's place.


New it....i just new it....:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Yes, I was gay because it was the fashion. All my friends were gay and we had a great time together. Though we did feel a little awkward when fashion changed and break dancing took gay's place.


Do you really think anyone buys that?

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Well, that would appear so. But, what would happen if they did 'elect' a gay or black leader, and changed certain core policys?


If they changed everything about themselves then I might vote for them, but that kind of makes the question meaningless.

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If they changed their policies to opposing homophobia, racism, sexism and isolationism. If they changed their policies on economics, immigration and nationalism, then I still would only consider voting for them if they also got rid of their leadership, their activists and probably most of their members!

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