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Would You Vote For The BNP If The Leader Was Gay Or Black?

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You can't but you want us to believe your opinions and speculation hold more weight. Deluded or what?


Lol. You're the only one making this claim, believe me I do not care what you believe! I just shared my opinion, and you call me deluded. Why are you referring to yourself in the plural, is this a something that you often do?



Your whole stance is based on emotion.


Once again you accuse me of using emotion, so once again I'll ask you what emotion, again apart from the pity I obviously have for you, have I been using? To be honest I'm not sure that you actually understand what you're posting so I'm not holding my breath for an answer.


Your posting on a thread related to the BNP


Yea, so every post is obviously about the BNP, even the ones about the merits of the Soviet Union. (PS I was being sarcastic, I wasn't sure if you'd get it)



All I have ever done is point out that Communism for example has a far worse track record and people like you come along with your ridiculous opinons trying to make out with your imaginations and your speculation that they weren't that bad after all.


Lol, now you just making things up as you go along. Where have I said that Communism isn't so bad, have you imagined it? I did say that life under Soviets would be an extremely undesirable miserable life, so again I am at a loss as why you're making this suggestion.


You obviously prefer one murderous regime over another, can't you get that into your pin sized head?


How did you come to that conclusion, I have said time and time again that they are both as bad as each other! Are you sure that you're reading what you're replying to?


Not as weird as you that's for sure. Arguing who has the better track record when it comes to genocide is definately off the scale.


This is the weirdest part of all your posts of all, because this is precisely the suggestion that you're making, and it's on this very point that I'm disagreeing with you. Responding to your posts is a very surreal experience, as you seem to be making up what I'm saying and then you seem to be then arguing against what you yourself are suggesting.


Lets return to the start of this "heated debate" In reply to a this post:


Nationalism is the most dangerous and destructive ideology in human history.


To which you countered:


Apart from communism and religion that is..


I then vexed you in a manner that I thought not possible by disagreeing with your statement, then I asked you a question to which you got your knickers in an almighty twist trying to avoid answering:



I disagree, look at the damage nationalism managed to do in the very short time that governments of it's ilk were in power. Imagine what the world would have been like with a Nazi Germany that existed for 70 odd years? I don't think that we'd be here discussing this, do you?


Care to answer the question then?

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Lol. You're the only one making this claim, believe me I do not care what you believe! I just shared my opinion, and you call me deluded. Why are you referring to yourself in the plural, is this a something that you often do?





Once again you accuse me of using emotion, so once again I'll ask you what emotion, again apart from the pity I obviously have for you, have I been using? To be honest I'm not sure that you actually understand what you're posting so I'm not holding my breath for an answer.




Yea, so every post is obviously about the BNP, even the ones about the merits of the Soviet Union. (PS I was being sarcastic, I wasn't sure if you'd get it)





Lol, now you just making things up as you go along. Where have I said that Communism isn't so bad, have you imagined it? I did say that life under Soviets would be an extremely undesirable miserable life, so again I am at a loss as why you're making this suggestion.




How did you come to that conclusion, I have said time and tie again that they are both as bad as each other! Are you sure that you're reading what you're replying to?




This is the weirdest part of all your posts of all, because this is precisely the suggestion that you're making, and it's on this very point that I'm disagreeing with you. Responding to your posts is a very surreal experience, as you seem to be making up what I'm saying and then you seem to be then arguing against what you yourself are suggesting.


Lets return to the start of this "heated debate" In reply to a this post:




To which you countered:




I then vexed you in a manner that I thought not possible by disagreeing with your statement, then I asked you a question to which you got your knickers in an almighty twist trying to avoid answering:





Care to answer the question then?


You've worked hard on this post, such shame i can't be assed to read it due to your conduct in previous ones.

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You've worked hard on this post, such shame i can't be assed to read it due to your conduct in previous ones.


politely asking questions is a reason to run away like a cry baby too scared to read JFKvsNixon's points?

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So you have no African ancestory, right?


..as far as I know, we all do Streamline?


But rather than play with you I'll answer your question-Ive no interest in my 'African ancestry', I dont know anything about it, don't know the circumstances in which my 'family' ended up in the West Indies and have never visited the west coast of Africa, where they're most likely to have come from-I know more about my German ancestry than I do my African one.

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