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Would You Vote For The BNP If The Leader Was Gay Or Black?

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Well, strange things happen in politics.


But like I said, it makes the question meaningless.


It would be like me asking you if you would like the taste of 'insert something you don't like' if it tasted like something completely different.

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But you're an obvious troll too though, you don't count.


Well, I will take that on the chin. Unlike some. I post humorous things yes, that still allows me to post more serious comments, and they do count. Thanks for the concern.

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But like I said, it makes the question meaningless.


It would be like me asking you if you would like the taste of 'insert something you don't like' if it tasted like something completely different.


Well, who did you vote for?

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Martin Webster was gay when he was National Organiser of the National Front, but it didn't bring them huge electoral success!


John X


I cannot comment on that, but there has been loads of gay right wingers, for sure.

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I have no idea what the OP means when they say IF the BNP leader was gay.

Griffin is as gay as a picnic basket.


I've suggested he gets help to come to terms with his sexuality rather than hating the world but his stupid supporters don't seem to be passing it on to him.

Should "Gay" Nickerless arse Griff is reading this, "There's nothing wrong with being gay ducky". Lots of people live happy lives but you have to come to terms with what so are to end internal conflicts that manifest themselves as hate for others.

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If they changed their policies to opposing homophobia, racism, sexism and isolationism. If they changed their policies on economics, immigration and nationalism, then I still would only consider voting for them if they also got rid of their leadership, their activists and probably most of their members!


if they made those sort of changes then current leadership, activists and would leave and form the continuity bnp

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Problem is with the Black Leader is as follows........


If the BNP Policys had a policy to deport blacks, then this poses a problem. Once the Leader himself has been deported (because he is black) then they no longer have a leader.


Its as absurd as a white person becoming a leader of an African country and backing a policy of "whites out of our land"


It would never work

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