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Would You Vote For The BNP If The Leader Was Gay Or Black?

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So with that in mind what do you really think of the British as a nation?


Well Im British, and probably more patriotic than most, Ive said it before but when I was a kid we celebrated Empire Day, my grandparents were baffled that many Brits let this celebration pass them by and knew little of their own country's history (good and bad)..but there's no need for patriotism to turn it's beautiful head into the ugly one of nationalism which seems to be the route you've taken.

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BF has answered that one - perhaps you could tell us what you think of black Britons?


Can answer that one too H, in the mind of the nationalist there is no such thing as a 'black Briton', I've had a new label pinned to me...'civically British', whatever that means, wonder if I can get a tax rebate since I'm not a fully functioning citizen.

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