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Would You Vote For The BNP If The Leader Was Gay Or Black?

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I have no idea what the OP means when they say IF the BNP leader was gay.

Griffin is as gay as a picnic basket.


I've suggested he gets help to come to terms with his sexuality rather than hating the world but his stupid supporters don't seem to be passing it on to him.

Should "Gay" Nickerless arse Griff is reading this, "There's nothing wrong with being gay ducky". Lots of people live happy lives but you have to come to terms with what so are to end internal conflicts that manifest themselves as hate for others.

And of course you have proof of this ,its got nothing to with the fact that Griffin opposes your beliefs

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But, what would happen if they did 'elect' a gay or black leader, and changed certain core policys?


Then they would no longer be the same party:confused:.


Some of what Nick Griffin says resonates with a hell of a lot of people, especially Labour voters in the north.


How many councillors did the BNP get at the LE?

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It is odd really.The Basically Nasty Party advocate the elimination of the lower orders as they see them eg racial minorities.Whenever I have mew a BNP supporter I think of Blockheads from Ian Durys LPs-neanderthal types with little interest in the finer things in life but wholly preoccupied with blaming their own lack of success on a scapegoat.Fancy revering a failed Austrian artist who was impotent and a pint-sized Italian who walked round with inserts in his shoes.Gullible,gormless,gutless, and grubby are the the three adjectives which come to mind.(spot the deliberate mistake1)

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Fancy revering a failed Austrian artist who was impotent ...

As something I'm going to call 'In Defence of Hitler', I'd like to say I am anti-fascist so don't take what I say wrong.


Hitler's success was down to a lot of factors, but you can't doubt his skill in steering his way into power. He was lucky for a long time, and a lot of times he was propped up with support from financiers and from propoganda and sheer audacity. He could've fallen on his face a thousand times, but in reality it happened once and he managed to spend that time in prison rebuilding his career. He was a little more than 'a failed artist'.

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as always the good and bad in every party is open to debate but the policys of the bnp are somewhat neanderthal and out dated alot dont suit modern living, i dont follow politics at all and am the first to admit i dont vote, a monkey is a monkey regardless of the cage its in.

my feelings are this, we need government, people vote them into power on the basis of the most popular dude wins :huh:........sometimes:hihi:

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Would you? And they 'toned downed' certain policys? :huh:



Considering their policies, even if they were toned down I think I'd be inclined not to vote. A Black or a gay heading a party with an anti Black/gay agenda? Being politically inept is one thing but showing yourself for an obviously delusional thicko would be another.

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Would you? And they 'toned downed' certain policys? :huh:


Ask the question a different way,


Would people still vote labour or Conservative if they had these policies.


Deport all the two million plus who are here illegally;

Deport all those who commit crimes and whose original nationality was not British;

Review all recent grants of residence or citizenship to ensure they are still appropriate;

Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;

Stop all new immigration except for exceptional cases;

Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain.

Stop interfering in another countries affairs and the withdrawal of our soldiers from Afghanistan.

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