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Would You Vote For The BNP If The Leader Was Gay Or Black?

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Watch Cameron and the tories they've tested the water and know theres anti immigration voters out there in the thousands, they may just shock some of those who have their heads buried in the sand.


Hopefully more than just thousands!!!

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Even if it is true? Is it a crime to be proud to be of part of these islands and their culture when they have given the world so much?


If you're proud of all the good parts of British history does that mean you're ashamed of all the bad parts? If not, why the inconsistency?

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theres anti immigration voters out there in the thousands


In a country with a population of millions! :roll:


Your dance with 'respectable', democratic politics has ended so you may as well go back to frustrated muttering with other like minded 'nationalists' on St******nt and marching up and down in your back garden in a home-made uniform.


And by the way, there is nothing wrong with being gay. Your insistence that calling someone gay is an insult, says more about your homophobia than anything else!


John X

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You appear to be defining nationalism differently to the rest of us.


forming a society is not the same thing as nationalism.


Seems to me your the one redefining what Nationalism is ie Nationalism = Nazi and of course then the very loose connection with the BNP.


Anyone who them produces a counter arguement is then told "Oh no these ideologies were really nationalists".

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Even if it is true? Is it a crime to be proud to be of part of these islands and their culture when they have given the world so much?


I think you will find that is called patriotism.


Nationalism takes it a step further and sees the nation as being somehow better than all others with all the attendant problems.


John X

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