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Blair Rant

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I thought I would post this for peoples thoughts comments and such. It was posted by my husband in our own forum and I have edited the expletives out.




This weekend is when Blair signs the europact which will begin our slavery into europe. Be warned - this will mean massive immigration rises; job losses; a dive in the economy; a loss of our rights to do as we will; and places us on the slippery spiral to losing everything that is dear to us in this isle.


Blair - you are a t***. You are probably the worst prime minister this country has ever had. You do not care about the people of England, nor England herself. The clock is ticking.



Really really f***** off with blair - the a******

The Real Undead

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I am trying to persuade him to join the forum but he isn't know for being subtle or tactful and would probably leave after five mintes of me telling him what he can and cannot post.


Shame really I am sure you lot could have a good ole rant and rave.


Personally I do not know much about the details of this rant. like DB I haven't seen the stories - though I have never been a fan of Europe and would rather see them sink than join up with any of them - specially France.


I posted it here to see who agreed and if anyone can shed any light on the subject as the hubby is at work and I canne bug him about it.



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well that is if he lasts that long and labour manage to stay in the next election.


I was reading in the paper today that Cherie has 'demanded' that Blair take a holiday.

I have visions of the Blair household resembling that of the Osbournes?


Or is that just me?



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